Often intemperate and sometimes foam-flecked rants about politics, current events and popular culture by Perth blogger and very occasional standup Matt Hayden (obviously not the cricketer). Your problem if you can't spot the sit-down comedy.
I've often mentioned a bizarre phenomonon in which people with names like Luke and Lucy feature in MSM articles inordinately often. The only thing that seems to explain it is that they are shout-outs to Lucifer, the fallen angel. That's why you'll often see imagery that evokes falling from the sky in the articles themselves or close to them on the page.
Please check out this video about how several stories within a month and a half featured a little girl called Lucy at the top of family photos. FFS, what are the odds?
I've seen plenty more examples right across the MSM. This is not an isolated phenomenon.
Here's another case in point: Comedian Judith Lucy has retired from standup comedy.
Maybe this was an entirely organic event. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was engineered somehow. In any case, it's newsworthy. Given that she hails from Perth, the story featured in both the West Australian and Perth Now.
Note how they've chosen the photo in which she's wearing the magenta top. That colour theme is often associated with this pattern.
I think the falling imagery is implied by this standup stepping down from the stage and bowing out of the spotlight.
It's not as obviously symbolic as other examples, and I've shown plenty of those. However it still fits the pattern.
This is a screenshot from the ABC piece she wrote about her reasons for quitting. Again, it includes a colour in the pinky-purple range. Look closely at the photo credit.
It says "Luke Tribe". So there's another Luke and Lucy and in the same shot. Twofer!
There is no way that this happened by chance. This is what I mean when I say that these are symbolic incantations.
It's like they're tryna cast spells; to summon forces -- or in this case, the notorious fallen angel himself.
I'm no expert on the occult. But I do know that hexes come with very specific instructions. For them to work the witches and warlocks have to put their talismen together in a very specific way and repeat chants exactly as ordered by those ranking above them in the coven hierarchy.
In a small and subtle way, I think that's kinda what they're doing here and in the many examples I've collated from the Failing Terrorgraph.
Note that this item is from their ABC, which is the polar opposite of Rupert's rags on so many issues. So this is not about the ol' Left versus Right conflict. It reveals the batshit Luciferian cult that dominates across the entire MSM on the editorial level and above. As Breitbart said, politics is downstream from culture.
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So obvious that the Cabal are ultimately behind these big hacks of companies like Optus and Medibank. It's what the globalist elite do all the time. They dodgy up threats, then manipulate normies' perception of them through their control of the MSM, always pumping up the fear. Then they offer a solution that involves more state control and surveillance.
As well as psyops, they are also occult elite rituals. And the MSM are in on them. They will do their part to magnify their power with symbolic incantation.
Take this Sky News report about the Medibank hack. First thing I noticed was the photo they chose of Clare O'Neil. She was wearing pink. If you've been reading this blog for a while you'll know what I think that symbolism is about. The red and white of the sign complemented it too.
Note how the description includes the hero quote "dog act". My first thought upon seeing that was: "Was it a blue dog?"
So I have a look at the clip and what do you know but that's exactly what it was! Note the blue background and the colour of her blouse.
Watch the video and you'll see she makes a big deal about this term "dog act". I'll bet her handlers told her to do just that, as well as what to wear.
This hack was actually foreshadowed in an ad the big health insurer took out in the MSM in late September, I reckon. Please check out the video embedded below and you'll see what I mean.
As I explain in the video, this was like an expression of solidarity with the big telco. It was also likely a hint that the same thing was planned for their company. And note the theme of pink in combo with the red and white which is seen in the Sky News tweet above.
These people are total arseclowns. So obvious what they're up to.
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I'm completely convinced that there are hidden messages being placed throughout the content of the MSM. Locally this practice is easiest to spot in the pages of the Failing Terrorgraph. Even their cartoons contain sneaky comms!
Yeah, I know it sounds completely batshit to say that but it's definitely what they're doing. Please check out this video and you'll see that even if my conclusions about what the symbolic subtext actually means are incorrect they've certainly painstakingly created one.
I suspect that those high up in these globalist-owned lie factories have a very good idea of the plans and tactics of the Cabal. So they drop in hints about this to their creepy mates. Sometimes they're right there hiding in plain sight in cartoon form.
This one from the April 9 issue is a case in point.
As well as the rain bomb imagery shown above, they have used that actual term in the headlines a few times now.
Rain bombs are exactly what they were, I reckon. The size and duration of the deluges earlier in the year were just so OTT they had to have been man-made. And they kept hitting the Northern Rivers area of NSW incredibly hard. That's because the globalists ultimately behind them were trying to wash the people out.
It was all part of the Great Reset plan to bankrupt farmers and push the population into "smart cities" where they can be digitally controlled and made to "eat ze bugs"!
What's interesting is that the entirely corrupt MSM have been pumping up the fear of a similar deluge that was supposed to hit last weekend.
Yes, it did piss down and for a while. But in Sydney at least it wasn't nearly as bad as they predicted.
So perhaps the globalists are losing their power to pull off this kind of geoengineering? Or it's being neutralized somehow by the Self Organizing Collective, otherwise known as the "white hats"?
Given how crazy the world is now I'd say that pretty much anything is possible. So let's hope that this is actually the case.
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I have mentioned the creepy rock spider vibe that's often present in the Failing Terrorgraph in previousposts. The stories themselves can be subtly sinister, but the atmosphere is present in what they place around them on the page as well. For example they will often have words in headlines evoking violence and death near photos of kids that are included in other articles.
Look at the page below and you'll see a headline about deadly snakes at the bottom of it. (Interesting that they're seen as potential lifesavers as well. So there's the duality they love so much ... Up is down, good is bad, and right is wrong, don't ya know!)
There's also one on the adjacent page (not visible) that reads "fatal sex chat".
Of course this kind of thing will happen from time to time just by chance. But I see it so frequently it cannot be random.
Look at the headline. It begins: "Family hit ..." Putting "hit" near photos of kids is a particular fave of theirs. If you live in NSW, keep an (illuminati) eye out for it in this paper particularly. I'm sure you'll see an example before long.
Then there's the rest of the headline ... But that's not the end of it.
Look closely at the placement of the words "cut" and "slashed". They are right over the heads of the two kids. Given the context I'm absolutely sure this was done intentionally.
Think how twisted you would have to be to dream something like that up, let alone actually put it in the paper! Remember, this is not a fictional horror story in an anthology. This is "journalism" involving real people.
Needless to say, hardly anyone notices this kind of thing. That's because they don't suspect that there is a hidden agenda -- least of all one this sinister. "That couldn't possibly be; it's just a newspaper." So they just don't see it.
But when you realize there is something like this going on, I guarantee you'll start to see it. And that's not because it's only in your head and you're "projecting". You'll see it because it's actually there.
And there's more.
Look closely at the family name, shown in the bottom left of the photo above. Click on it to give you a better view if it's not visible straight away.
The family surname is "Savage". So that becomes the adjective to describe the severity of those cuts and slashes, geddit?
This is just so creepy and wrong. And they do this kind of thing all the time. I see so many examples like this I just cannot keep up. And that's just in the one paper.
This particular trick is more pronounced and commonly used in this particular lie factory. But you see related patterns right through the rest of the MSM.
This is a top down cultural phenomenon. I think it has a lot to do with the secret society wankers in the editorial tier who dominate all of the MSM.
Please start looking for this kind of thing. I'll bet you'll see examples that creep you out before long.
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There's absolutely no doubt that the Cabal wants a war with Russia. Look at the recent craziness to do with Nord Stream, among other things.
These recent developments lend weight to my theory that the Deep State might have a massive false flag planned for the near future. From the creepy hints that I've seen in the MSM (which are all owned and controlled by globalists, remember) it seems that a big entertainment or sporting event in a stadium is the likeliest target for such an attack.
Here are some more data points for you to consider:
This is a cartoon from a recent issue of the Failing Terrorgraph. As mentioned, they often create subtextual meaning with the headlines from the column below, even if it's entirely unrelated (which is usually the case).
Note how the toon features Putin and Biden in an "impending war" scenario. Below it is a column about gender equity, and how the high achievement of sporting women can be seen as a model for what is achievable in wider society.
It says you can "kick goals", bringing to mind professional football, and therefore stadia.
But if you look closely at the column by Labor's Andrew Leigh, it hardly mentions footy (or soccer or NRL) at all. The introduction is all about swimming. Football is only mentioned very late, along with several other sports.
So why was this particular analogy in the headline? Because the editor wanted to create the subtexual message in combo with the images above it.
And it's worth looking closely at that cartoon ...
Behind Putin is a nuclear weapon. Note the black and white theme, so reminiscent of the Masonic checkerboard flooring. I think that's a hint that secret society wankers are involved somehow.
Putin's shady lookin' sidekick -- prolly an old mateski from his KGB days -- whispers to him. Note how his right eye is wide open. More illuminati symbolism, I reckon.
He says: "Careful, he might send the FBI to raid your home."
This is a clear reference to that line about Trump stealing the nuclear codes and hiding them at Mar-a-Lago. The same paper actually ran a cartoon about it at the time. It showed him with a nuke in his golf bag.
It had eerie similarities to the one a week later about the Bali bombing accomplice being let out early and receiving a cake -- which was surrouned by a dirty yellow background (see this blog post).
The similarity between the terrorist's cake toon and the golfing Trump one was so clear I made a video about them. Please check it out.
Back to the most recent toon: It has Biden looking the other way, confused. Note the three question marks on his head. What letter does "question" begin with? "Q", of course.
He's looking in the direction of the first letter of the column about queues, and the jumping thereof.
Why, it's another "q"! What an amazing coincidence! Or maybe not ...
I think this is some sort of code that refers to the threat posed to the Deep State by Mysterious Mr Seventeen (Anon).
As well as the focus on the letter itself, look at the second paragraph. It mentions "snaking your way through airport security," bringing to mind terrorism. Right after that are the words "waiting to choose a sweet treat at a popular patisserie".
So there are the two elements again: terrorism and cakes. As I often say: What are the odds?
It really does look like comms to "those in the know" that there's a plan to evade the white hats by carrying out a false flag attack with a dirty bomb. With blame ultimately sheeted home to Putin it can be used as a pretext for a nuclear strike against Russia.
It's absolutely clear that the Cabal are hanging out to do that, which is why I think my speculation is plausible. They must have a good reason for it, remember.
Trump can be neutralized at the same time by rehashing their favourite false narrative about how he's been in league with Mad Vlad for so long.
Maybe they've even got some mind-controlled loon they can claim is a Q-tard to carry it out?
Here are still more data points that lend weight to that theory.
Note how the title of the column above says it's "not cool to jump queues".
What's not cool? Heat, right.
And look at the back cover of that same issue. It's about an NRL player making a comeback.
Note the headline: "Hot and run mission."
The heat angle comes from the game being played up in sweltering North Queensland. There's that first letter again.
Note the subheading: "Comeback Carty has energy to burn." Firstly, it has two words starting with "c". They often do this and given it's the third letter of the alphabet I think it's meant to evoke 33.
Note the yellow background and the idea of energy burning. I think this relates to yellow cake and the explosive chain reaction it would ignite.
Look at the photo and quote featured above. Flip that number over and what have you got? That other occult elite fave 66.
It could also be a reference to the idea of the Cabal being on the ropes. If this plan succeeds it would obviously be a stunning comeback wouldn't it?
Note the alliteration in the headline to the right. Again it refers to a surprise. Well, such a spectacular attack would defnitely be described as such, right?
Note the number of games mentioned in the third paragraph above: 17.
Sure, each of these data points is not suss on its own. But it becomes just that when you add them all up.
Then there's this:
The player is described as a "heat seeking missile".
This is very specific imagery that is reminiscent of the MSM describing the recent Hawthorn racism scandal as a "bombshell", something I elaborate on in the video embedded below.
The final data point is what seals it for me. They've chosen a photo of the dude that shows the tatt on his arm.
It's the classic all seeing eye, which harks back to the KGB dude whispering to Putin in the cartoon earlier in that same issue.
(Just as a side issue: Remember that stolen car bursting into flames after a collision on the Coat Hanger? The guy driving it ended up in hospital, and he had a similar tatt. That looked suss to me, and I spoke about it in this video.)
Again, what are the odds?
BTW I'm not saying I think this NRL player is gonna blow himself up in a stadium. They're just using these words and images symbolically to communicate a plan that I think involves such a scenario. It could happen anywhere in the world -- if it happens at all, that is.
Obviously I hope it doesn't. And TBH I don't think it will. I suspect that the "white hats" have actually got things under control so that the plan is not actually carried out.
But it really does look like they've got something like what I've described up their sleeves to use as an absolute last resort before November. Hence this symbolic pattern in the local lie factories.
I know this decode might seem outrageously, laughably OTT to many people. But please look closely at the elements I've cited here and in the other post.
Keep asking yourself if this can all be explained by mere happenstance. I think any critical thinker will conclude that it simply cannot.
So, even if my explanation for what I've collated is not correct, I'm sure there's still something big that local secret society wankers know about and are alluding to. Whatever it is, it's pretty sinister.
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It really does seem to me that the MSM are ultimately controlled by the globalist Cabal and Deep State. At the apex of this sinister system sits a creepy cult.
For various reasons the members feel they must tell the poor "useless eaters" what their plans are. So they foreshadow these in the mainstream media, including via Hollywood.
If you think this is batshit crazy nonsense then watch this video about Back to the Future. There are many other examples related to 9/11.
I saw something similar related to the recent Texas massacre. It was in the form of the "small target" theme repeated in the Failing Terrorgraph. It's outlined in a video at the bottom of this post. Please check it out. (Sound is a bit dogy in parts, BTW. But they are short. Keep going through and it corrects itself.)
Local MSM outlets look like they're up to this again. This time, it's to do with cakes, of all things.
Look at this recent post from the West Australian, which has form for occult elite symbolism.
Note the reference to Marie Antoinette who is (apparently inaccurately) associated with the quote "let them eat cake".
Remember that she was the last queen of France. And which world famous illuminary from the Old Dart just jumped the twig? So this looks like some sort of symbolic incantation to do with Betty Windsor's passing. Remember that the British royal family is very high up in this globalist cult.
The other main Perth lie factory, which is also chockas with occultist flogs, posted this just days after the one above.
Note how the exact same phrase is used. And look at the striking red tassles on the guards' headwear in the foreground, one for each prince mentioned.
This brings to mind the idea of blood red cakes, does it not?
This is reminiscent of another time that the phrase was used in a headline.
It was from the Sydney paper's August 19 issue. Note the dominance of red, and the big heart shape in the background. What do hearts pump around the body?
On the bottom of the page was a small shot of people drinking red wine. Please check out this video to see why I think that was significant.
Just three days later, on August 22, they ran this cartoon. It was about how that Bali bombing accomplice was released early. Note the blood on his hands.
There were elements in this toon that seemed to hark back to the one a week before, which featured Donald Trump with a nuclear weapon in his golf bag. I made a video about it. Please check it out, and you'll see the similarities.
Not long after that (August 29) they ran a cartoon about Allianz Stadium. Note the "budget blowout" crater on the left hand side and the fact that the Dom Perottett character says "piece of cake"
The most notable of them came a couple of weeks later. In the September 5 issue was an item about a previously anonymous influencer called "Patti Pink Cake" who had finally confirmed her identity.
In the same issue was this cartoon which was some sort of joke about the Cronulla Sharks. The pink in it was clearly to represent to the interior of a Noah's mouth. But it was also reminiscent of the pink cake toon from before. Needless to say, it had a highly menacing vibe.
Then there was the fashionista's intriguing name ... Please check out this video in which I joined these dots.
The shark theme was continued in the September 18 issue. You can see that the headline evokes the movie Jaws.
Note the blue and green in the background of the photo. I think this was meant to link it with the Perrottett toon from the end of August, shown above.
Another reason I say that: On the very next page was a story about the stadium itself.
See what they're doing? If they could somehow imbue their pages with the ominous music score from the Spielberg classic I'm sure they would ...
Back to Western Australia for another data point: Perth Now ran another cake-themed item on the 16th.
Note the name of the business.
"Lightning puff" brings to mind an explosion. And flair is another word for flame.
Of course this may be a coincidence but given the context I don't think so.
Then there was the fact that sleb Carrie Bickmore from that creepy show The Project posted a photo of a cake made to look like a Canon camera that she baked for her son's birthday. Please check out the video I made about this, along with the context of the toons, embedded below.
I have to conclude that those who own and control these local lie factories know of some sinister Cabal plot. So they've gotten their journos and cartoonists to drop in this symbolism (possibly unknowingly).
Or maybe it's all some kind of elaborate in-joke?
But I've gotta say it does remind me of that theory about how the Cabal planned to start a world war by having terrorists use a nuke that was traced back to Russia. Note the yellow around the cake in the Bali bombing toon above, along with the idea of "early release".
The vibe is definitely sinister and reminiscent of the plot of a Ben Affleck movie:
CIA analyst Jack Ryan must stop the plans of a Neo-Nazi faction that threatens to induce a catastrophic conflict between the United States and Russia's President by detonating a nuclear weapon at a football game in Baltimore, Maryland.
Was that movie itself a kind of foreshadowing, like the examples from Back to the Future in the clip linked at the start of this post?
Have they brought the date of a massive false flag forward as a kind of "Hail Mary" (or "Hail Satan"!) against Trump?
Yeah, I know that sounds completely batshit. But while it is unlikely I don't think it's impossible. It would not surprise me if this turned out to be true.
I suppose we will find out soon enough.
UPDATE: Just saw this cover. Note how the main story is about a "horrific" "bombshell" claim that a footy coach told a player to make his wife have an abortion. Remember that footy is played in a stadium.
The bottom story is about Putin's threat to use nukes.
Slowly but surely, the momentum of this globalist driven medical fascism is petering out. The mask mandates that have long been in place on Sydney trains, buses, taxis and rideshare services will be gone by this Thursday.
The same is happening in Queensland. Victoria is still holding out though, AFAIK.
This is great news. It shows we are winning.
The globalists use fear more than any other weapon. But eventually that wears off.
Once you man-up and grow out of your face diaper, you'll never wanna wear it again. So, I doubt very much these mandates will come back. If they do, only a tragic few will obey them.
Even now, while they are still offcially in place, a sizeable proportion of normies just ignore them as the video below shows.
Amazing how so many of the rusted-on Democrat supporters are in denial about the clear Nazi vibe of Biden's speech. But any thinking person could see how sinister it was.
It was so OTT it actually seemed self-parodic. That's why I think maybe this was another example of the "white hats" or "SOC" (Self Organizing Collective) speeding things up from on high to red pill the normies. (Please check out this video which explains what I mean by this. The most relevant section is 8.20 onwards.)
The other possibility: It was the Cabal desperately tryna goad MAGA patriots into an act of terrorism or armed resistance.
Such an act is highly unlikely of course. But I suspect that the Deep State has a big false flag in the pipeline that they'll be able to pin on patriots anyway. They can then link that to the outraged reaction to the speech online, ultimately sheeting home blame to Trump himself. Then they'll have another reason to arrest him (which they were prolly gonna do anyway.)
Whatever was ultimately behind the decision to go full totalitarian with the rhetoric and imagery in the speech, this tweet neatly encapsulates where we are now.
Those who manipulate the puppet Biden are clearly the real Nazis. They are also in control of the mainstream media across the globe. That's why they get their underlings to sprinkle the fake news with their fave symbols. Take this swastika, for example.
This looks like a sneaky "sieg heil!". And there's a deep dark rabbit hole to do with it.
IMO, much of the current madness is related to the Black Sun cult. It's possible that many globalist movers and shakers are dinkum members of it. Even if they're not they seem to support its central vibe which is about ultimate inversion.
The MSM coverage of the death of ONJ was a case in point. The imagery used in a recent issue of the Failing Terrorgraph, outlined in the video below, was another.
Every day, squillions of things happen. If you're a newspaper editor there's an immense range of horrible events to choose from to cover in articles and put on the front page. So what you decide to feature says a lot about how you want your readers to see the world.
The covers are particularly significant in this regard because they have the most impact and reach. And they are seen by millions of people who don't even buy the paper.
I thought this recent cover of the West Australian said so much. Firstly, there was the obvious one eye symbolism. It was also a horribly gory photo of a bleeding eye, which they savoured, no doubt.
It was revealing that the very young age of the alleged perp was seen as the most important aspect of the story. The headline seemed to cry: "What's the world coming to? Surely we're in a kind of hell when stuff like this happens ..."
Note the section at the top of the cover. There's that pinky-purple theme you see so often along with the headline "Dawn of a New Era". This seems to reinforce the idea that everything's changed forever, with no turning back. The old normal is gone. We're in the new normal now.
Back to the age of the kid blamed for the assault: I thought this story was relevant to that theme.
The Project is a truly sinister TV program. The name itself gives the game away. A project is like an operation, as in psyop. It's a very slick mind control tool of the Cabal.
IMO the daft, vain sleb above has been used to subtly promote the idea that kids are evil.
She and the other dopey panelists sheet home blame to Andrew Tate as well. So it's a twofer.
I reckon none of this is happening by chance. It's all orchestrated. The globalists running the MSM actually want to demonize kids. It's all part of their plan to "defeat God" so they can rule over all of us completely.
There's a strong rock spider element in this as well. It's like the flip side of the grooming they practise using the rainbow crowd as a vehicle.
If they convince the masses that kids can be just as evil as adults then they'll be able to get away with the idea that sex with them is no violation of innocence.
Another example of this conflation trick is outlined in the video below.
Something that is now increasingly clear about the batshit occultists who control the mainstream media and many other global institutions and industries is their need for total control of every aspect of all our lives. They see themselves as gods, and so have an obsession with defeating the Christian God Himself.
This is why they love the idea of inversion encapsulated in the transgender ideology among other things. And what could be more of an inversion than blacking out the sun? So it's understandable that they have an obsession with this idea as well. There's even a cult with that name and there are a whole plethora of rabbit holes to do with it.
I think many of those high up in the globalist system we've been living under for so long probably are members of this cult. But even if they don't subscribe to it formally, they clearly get off on flipping things completely upside down because of the feeling of omnipotence it gives them.
Bill Gates wants to black out the sun, remember. He says it's to protect us from global warming but that's obviously a crock. It's another way for him to play God.
This juxtaposition of sunlight and complete darkness has been symbolically invoked in a lot of the reporting about various issues lately. The coverage of the death of Olivia Newton-John is a case in point.
The late singer certainly had a sunny disposition. So it was no surprise that this photo of her was featured in many articles.
She's smiling among sunflowers, while wearing sunglasses. So there's the inversion.
They also seem to have a slight purple tinge. (Notice also the use of the phrase "heart-warming". The number of times you see this and related terms is just off the charts.)
In the photo below, she's wearing sunnies again. And there's mention of the light at the end of the tunnel.
There's that duality again. It brings to mind an image not unlike a reverse eclipse.
The Failing Terrorgraph is run by perhaps the creepiest Cabal clowns in all of Oz. So I expected them to put the sunflower-sunnies snap on the cover the day after Olivia Newton-John's death, or at least feature it in a spread about her.
Well, they didn't do that exactly. But they certainly repeated this "black sun" theme.
There was a souvenir edition inside the paper. On the cover was a classic shot of the beaming star. She positively exuded light and laughter.
On the back of the liftout was a shot representing her darker (but still adorable) self. It was her playing the iconic role of Sandy in Grease, the "good girl gone bad". Again, note the sunglasses.
They were of course pinky-purple. There are rabbit holes to do with the symbolism of that colour that I've covered in many blog posts and videos.
That definitely ties in with the whole black sun idea. IMO it's also got a lot to do with her "death".
Maybe I've gone way OTT with my dot-joining in this post. But remember that the mainstream media are ultimately controlled by a death cult. They will use significant events related to iconic figures to push a preferred narrative as well as drop their fave symbols into the minds of the masses.
These days, everything's a psyop. It's all a ritual as well.
Pretty clear to anyone capable of critical thinking that there's something really suss about the sudden deaths of so many slebs and sports stars lately.
I think that the you know what may be to blame in some cases. But for many of the most well known and revered folk I doubt this is the case. They would have been given placebos, surely.
Whatever's going on, the MSM can't be trusted to tell us the truth. When it comes to some, if not most, of these tragic passings, the official narrative is rolled gold bollocks IMHO.
Like when Warnie keeled over just after Rod Marsh ... And now we've had the female, musical mega-star double whammy of Judith Durham and Olivia Newton-John both buying the farm (or ranch, in the latter's case).
FFS, what are the odds?
Real journos would be deeply curious about all these events and do some serious digging. But we don't have any in Australia now. They're all globalist narrative peddlers and fake -- or controlled -- opposition. Sad!
They just dribble the usual platitudes like Chris Kenny did here.
I suspect that many journos have a pretty good idea of what the real story is, even if they're not clear on the details.
I think there's something enormous going on behind the scenes that they are too terrified to tell us about. But they are dropping hints about it to their creepy mates.
There's certainly been heaps of occult elite symbolism and related weirdness in MSM reports about ONJ in particular. Much of this one on Sunrise silently played scenes from some show she was in about Port Arthur (pre-massacre, obviously) in the background.
She emerges from a "punishment cell" and stands behind the bars. Producers had countless hours of footage of her performing beautifully and chatting charmingly at their dispoal. So why make such a dark, strange editing choice?
The Failing Terrorgraph often puts symbolic incantations and specific comms into their pages. They sometimes even appear in the toons. This video has a very clear example of this.
The one about the deaths of Durham and Newton-John was a case in point.
Check out the little heart emojis coming out of the exhaust pipe. Are they saying the automobile runs on liquid love, or maybe another fluid? Well, petrol is kinda pink, after all ...
In what way is this image, a flying car seen from behind, reminiscent of the movie Grease?
The flick that first came to mind for me was Thelma and Louise, about two sassy chicks who fell foul of the long arm of the law. Even if you haven't seen it, you prolly know about the climactic scene in which they're surrounded by coppers on the edge of the Grand Canyon.
Rather than surrender to them they (anti)heroically drive off into the great blue yonder together, kind of like a chick version of Butch and Sundance.
Think the cartoonist was tryna tell a certain, select audience something ... or nah?
If you've been reading this blog for a while you'll know I'm obsessed with the symbolic patterns in the MSM. I understand why some people might see these as insignificant.
I couldn't disagree more. I believe it's worthwhile noting their presence because they point to a culture at the very apex of a globalist power pyramid. As Breitbart said: "Politics is downstream from culture."
One colour you see a helluva lot of in the mainstream media these days is pink, along with those near it in the spectrum. I think this means different things to the occult elite. It's to do with royalty (royal purple). It's also about the pink drug that dare not speak its name.
The coverage of that crash involving American actress Anne Heche is a case in point. Take the photo in the Independent.
Not only is she wearing a distinctive pink hat; she seems to be pointing at her head. Was this a hint that she's a user of this elite drug? Or maybe it was alluding to some other link between the event and the massive hidden trade in it?
You can see a similar one used here.
Note the background in this shot.
The New York Post uses a photo of her wearing a pink tank top, and a burgundy one during her podcast.
Similar colour in the background here.
Note the purple dress.
In this shot, it appears that her lipstick has the hue they're after. It looks more like dark pink than the usual red.
This AAP photo features a logo with different colours including purple. Also, it's a sun-like image that is vaguely reminiscent of the Masonic blazing star. It's as if light is shooting from her head. Or maybe it's meant to resemble a crown?
Whatever the hidden meaning is, the placement is defnitely symbolic.
There were some articles without this theme, of course. However the ones listed here were those I found found first after searching the web and Twitter for reports about the accident. There's a clear trend.
As you can see, the pattern is across many different outlets. Just as all the big "news" companies across the world get their political talking points handed down to them by the occultist creeps at the apex of the globalist power pyramid, they get their symbolic, cultural motifs and comms as well.