Often intemperate and sometimes foam-flecked rants about politics, current events and popular culture by Perth blogger and very occasional standup Matt Hayden (obviously not the cricketer). Your problem if you can't spot the sit-down comedy.
With the MSM being so corrupt, it's hard to know what to believe about anything these days. Take Hillary Clinton. There are various rumours that she is either already behind bars, or maybe even pushing up daisies. Some truthers claim she's alive but that the SOC (Self Organizing Collective) has control of her online accounts including social media.
But let's assume that the mainstream media aren't lying for once and she's still alive and tweeting. In that case her "Happy Easter" on Twitter was intriguing as.
Such a strange photo. Why would she use such an old one, with her in Bill's shadow?
Look at the sign above her head. The "e" in Easter is obscured by hubby's arm, making it read "Aster".
We know that she and other members of the globalist elite detest Christians, preferring to call them "Easter worshippers".
So maybe this was a shoutout to those who worship Aster instead?
If you look up the definition of that word you'll see that among other things it's a kind of flower. And it's pinky-purple, not unlike that drug I've been blogging about.
The white rabbit is another symbol of it. And there's one in the photo. Not surprising given the context, but still ... The big bunny is wearing purple, too.
OTOH, it looks likely that the trade in this notorious substance is in great upheaval, with bad batches wreaking havoc among elites across the globe.
Given this likely context, I'm thinking the theory about white hats controlling her social media accounts might be correct after all. If that's the case this is God-tier trolling. And they do have form for that.
Remember the bizarre, phallus-like route taken by that massive Evergreen container ship before it ran aground in the Suez Canal? This episode is now known as the "biggest red pill Evergiven".
Maybe this was a really bitter one made just for the Cabal?
I'm seeing many strange elements in MSM reports that make me think there's gonna be some sort of jaw-dropping false flag before, during or after the upcoming federal election.
If the PM suddenly exits the scene for some reason or another it certainly won't be a first. There was the mysterious case of Harold Holt, remember. And there are many intriguing theories about what the real story behind his disappearance was, including that the CIA were involved.
Whatever's really happening in Canberra there's no doubt that the MSM are lying to us about it on a grand scale. Which is why I think it's worth speculating in the way I'm doing now.
And my spidey senses are telling me that the big battle between ScoMo and Albo is all for show. The result has already been decided by TPTB. I'm not sure there will even be an election, TBH!
I think something absolutely yuge may well be on the cards. It might even involve some sort of fake assassination attempt. To say why here are a coupla intriguing data points (and I've seen many more).
Firstly, take this tweet from Sky News, which has form for occult elite symbolism and comms.
Note how the word "assassination" is highlighted. And look at the photo they've chosen. There are streaks of red in it that are quite striking. A hint that maybe the Deep State has something more seemingly visceral in the works?
Then there's this cover of the Failing Terrorgraph. It was just after the obvious fake fight performed by two Cabal puppets. The story below that item alluded to a James Bond movie.
As well as the obvious wordplay on "kill" there were other notable elements. For example ScoMo was shown in a safety jacket with a helmet on, suggesting danger.
Directly below the headline there was an ad for a liftout about an upcoming horse race. They often use these symbolically for various reasons I won't go into now.
I think this was relevant because "pride goes before a fall". And the Bond movie itself had many aspects related to horse racing and breeding.
Something I think was really notable was that it starred Grace Jones. She, like the two actors in the story above, is black. In the movie she indulges in some spirited sparring, not unlike Will Smith did at the Oscars.
Guess what her character's name was? May Day.
When's the election being held? On a day in May.
What are the odds?
If I am correct and something big is in the works, odds are it won't be real. In keeping with the symbolism described above, we will all be "watching a movie", I reckon.
But if the Cabal actually do decide to take the PM out for real, and in a style reminiscent of Harold Holt, then the movie contains a good tip on how he can survive from 007 himself!
It may sound crazy to say that globalist elite scumbags are using mainstream media outlets to keep their creepy mates up to speed about what's happening behind the scenes with coded comms. But they ultimately own and control these platforms, remember. Given their obvious contempt for the masses and their love of deceiving them on a grand scale, this brazen "hiding in plain sight" tactic is just their style.
I've seen many strong patterns in big media outlets, the Failing Terrograph in particular, that suggest this is actually what they're up to. The headlines and images on the covers and in the stories contained within the paper are often used for this purpose. So are the cartoons.
Of course you'll recall that excruciating performance of "April Sun in Cuba" by ScoMo. In a previous blog post I speculated that this may have been some sort of symbolic signalling related to the PM eventually being taken to Guantanamo Bay, most likely to due to his involvement in Spygate and perhaps other matters.
As well as the aspects covered in the post there was absolutely no denying that, quality aside, it was an extraordinary rendition. I think that in itself may have been part of the comms.
This toon appeared in the Sydney daily soon after that notorious episode of 60 Minutes. Below is a shot from the paper itself and I thought it was interesting that the word rendition was used in the tweet description of the cartoon on the day.
Note how the title is "Havana great time". Time is what you serve in prison, innit? While "great" is not a close synonym of "long", it's still related. You can go to "great lengths", after all.
There are prominent musical notes above his head as he plays the ukulele.
The cartoon below was from April 7. Obviously, it's all about the Prime Minister's rapidly plummeting popularity and how he now has a lot of determined enemies.
There's clearly a message here for secret society wankers and other occultist flogs because one eye is drawn much larger than the other. They love that kind of symbolism, remember.
The sketch includes that other fave motif of theirs the upturned feet, baring the soles. And one shoe is off. That's very Masonic.
I think the one bare foot could also be meant to hark back to the previous cartoon. See how two of the musical notes have two "legs". But one of them does not, is bigger than the others, and is actually (right) leg-like in appearance.
Look also at the lyrics to the song in the first drawing. The light shining behind the words is reminiscent of the blazing star, another Masonic symbol.
The picture's clear message is that there are countless people baying for his blood. This is echoed visually with the spatter behind him on the wall. The sign above his head is also red and white. That's something I've seen a helluva lot of in the MSM lately.
I've long thought this was meant to evoke the Red Cross and the barber shop poles of yore but think it could also be related to the Wilson volleyball from the movie Castaway starring big time secret society wanker Tom Hanks.
That aside, note the red vertical bars. Could be suggestive of a prison cell, right?
The sign says "step right up". This idea of stepping is part of the elite occultists' love of shoe, boot and leg symbolism. And which of Scott Morrison's shoes remains? The right one. There's likely much symbolic significance there.
Then there's the alliteration in "Got a gripe?". Governor General comes to mind. It also gives the phrase a strong generalized Masonic vibe.
"G" is also part of the exhortation to "have a go". And what are the first and last letters of Guantanamo?
I'm thinking the message might be: "He's gonna go to Guantanamo."
But the clincher is in the beginning of that phrase. The first two words "have a" are almost identical to the first two syllables of "Havana". Seriously, what are the odds?
But if you still think that my "conspiracy theory" is batshit crazy nonsense and there's actually no sneaky instruction to thematically clip the two comic strips together so you can divine the subtextual message, check out Albo over in the corner in the most recent cartoon.
He's whistling to himself, with a pair of musical "legs" appearing above his head. While it certainly concurs with the surface meaning it is kinda superfluous, innit? The requisite smugness is completely supplied by the image of Albo leaning against the wall -- left foot forward, BTW -- on its own.
I think that little musical symbol was put in to remind a very specific audience about the previous toon.
As well as these data points I've seen plenty of others that suggest there might be some kind of plan to remove the PM just before the election with a plausible cover story. Please check out the video below and you'll see more that simply cannot be explained by chance.