Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Disingenuous "Petersham Says Yes to Love" signs typical of the PC Left

The politically correct Left are nothing if not predictable. They are one trick -- or rather, two trick -- ponies. Basically all they've got are deceit and intimidation. They lie, then they bully. Lie, bully ... Rinse, repeat. Rinse, repeat ...

One of their fave methods of deceit is to completely misrepresent political issues in highly emotive terms. By doing this they block thought in the impressionable, while simultaneously appearing to be presenting some sort of compelling case.

The “Vote Yes” campaign is a classic example of this. They say the issue of same sex marriage is only about love and equality, when any thinking person knows it's far more multifaceted and complicated than that.

But by simply repeating the "love" mantra, they neatly sidestep even having to acknowledge -- let alone try to rebut -- the “no” case. And no wonder. If they actually did try to win fair and square by actual argument they would lose resoundingly, and deep down they know it.

They also get to demonize their opponents which -- being the fascists they are -- they really get off on. This behaviour is disturbingly hateful, of course. And given that they're promoting themselves as the “loving” folk, it is highly ironic to say the least.

But they're so emotionally infantile and lacking in self awareness that they can't see the contradiction. It's hatred in the service of love, so to these child-brained muppets that not only makes it okay -- it makes them even more loving still!

Here's an example. Not that far from where I live are three houses adjacent to each other that have identical signs out the front.

Firstly, there's the focus on love. That's disingenuous, thereby mildly deceitful. What it really means is “Petersham is for Marriage Equality”. That too is false because even though Sydney's Inner West is chockas with brainwashed pro-SSM types, there are still some who have and will vote no. I'm one of them.

So, the poster proclaims an obvious falsehood and is thereby deceitful in another way.

Now, this isn't overtly intimidating, sure. Still, it reeks of ostracism, and thereby constitutes a subtle kind of bullying. That's because it implies that if you're not for "marriage equality" you don't really belong in Petersham.

And the arrogance is astounding. I mean, FFS, what right does anyone have to brazenly announce that everyone in their suburb does (or rather, should) be on one side of a highly contentious political issue!

Doubtless, there are far more people than they know living in their midst who don't subscribe to their rainbow fascism. Reason they're none the wiser is that, unlike them, sane, rational adults tend to keep their political views to themselves -- in major part because they actually consider the feelings of socialist snowflakes and don't want to trigger them into narcissistic tantrums by plainly stating their belief in the law as it presently stands.

And it was so telling that they were three of these signs all in a little patch. Yes, in federal, state and local elections people do place ads for their favoured candidates in their front yards and on their gates and letterboxes. But I have never seen three in a row!

Granted, the political make-up of the Inner West means it would not be unusual to find three ardently PC households one after another in the same street. That said, the odds that they all independently went out and bought exactly the same sign are next to zero, surely. So one of the group must've actually knocked on the others' doors -- maybe with said promotional material already purchased and in hand -- to suggest they do the same for the cause.

Now, I would never dream of doing anything like that, no matter the circumstances. And if someone did it to me I would be very unimpressed. Even if I knew my neighbour well enough to talk about politics and agreed with them on most issues I would still consider them suggesting I should place, say, a poster on my front gate just flat out rude.

But clearly, this kind of behaviour is par for the course with the Left. Says heaps.

Interestingly, also in Petersham a somewhat less wholesome sentiment related to traditional marriage was discovered recently, this time inside a building. A sane, rational adult would conclude that this further discredits the claim that "Petersham says yes to love”. But that's not the kind of person who would show that infantile sign, obviously. More likely, they would see no contradiction at all.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Headbutting of Abbott reveals "Vote Yes" side's true, hateful motivation

Not at all surprised that a “Vote Yes” campaigner headbutted Tony Abbott in Tasmania. And while that event on its own will convert many people to the no side, the ensuing tsunami of putrid abuse from the Twitter trollective and hordes of malicious muppets elsewhere on social media will magnify that effect substantially.

While it was clearly an ugly event, in the end it was kind of a net positive for sane, rational adults. Ultimately it may not be enough to ensure that the no vote wins. But it's certainly made it more likely. Definitely a good thing.

The vicious, cowardly attack itself was actually a microcosm of what the cultural Marxists have been up to all along. As Abbott described it, his attacker got close to him by saying he wanted to shake his hand. Tony, who tends to take all people regardless of political affiliation at their word, allowed him into his personal space, and that's when he was headbutted.

This stealth approach is what PC scumbags do every single time, and on a grand scale. They relentlessly present themselves as friendly, kind, loving and compassionate. They have a whole swathe of cashed up, influential allies including most of the mainstream media who reinforce this message for them. That makes almost everyone reluctant to resist their prescriptions from the start. But if you see through their lies and still stand your ground they'll tell everyone they can that you're bad, hateful person.

It's a despicable tactic. It's a heavily watered down but still loathsome version of what terrorists do in the Middle East. By launching attacks from civilian areas and blending into the population these murderous scumbags use the innocent as a shield. They actually like it when civilians on their side are killed by counter attacks because they can use these tragedies as propaganda.

Obviously what they're doing here is not nearly as putrid. But it still stinks. They keep pushing and provoking their opponents, desperate for someone to be attacked or vilified so they can cast all no voters as brazen bullies and their entire side as virtuous victims. About the only time this has actually borne fruit for them seems to have been in the attack on Kevin Rudd's godson. All the other examples of “homophobia” cited in the media have been yuuugely exaggerated, or seemingly flat out concocted by those sympathetic to the "marriage equality" cause -- such as that poster hoax in Melbourne.

The false narrative they've been promoting has been gradually exposed over recent weeks. Spookily, amendments to the graffiti on this wall in Newtown mark the changes ... Got this shot of it at the beginning of September:

After that smug crybully Benjamin Law threatened Andrew Hastie on Twitter it looked like this:

And today ...

These days, anyone with eyes to see knows that the “love is love” crowd are a massive pack of sneering frauds. "Love is hate" more like ... Because of their vicious dishonesty, rainbows will stop evoking feelings of joy, goodwill, compassion and renewal in the hearts of many Aussies for quite some time. God, Gaia or whatever celestial force ultimately creates them is gonna be seriously pissed off!

The malignant narcissists who've so thoroughly trashed the rainbow brand should've chosen a dark, vengeful thundercloud as their symbol instead. Woulda been way more honest!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

"Vote No" skywritten above Sydney was a brilliant tactical move

Kudos to whoever was behind that "Vote No" skywritten sign above Sydney. There's a widely held belief it was the work of the Coalition for Marriage. But they're keeping mum about it. Might be doing it at arm's length or something ...

It's perfectly understandable why they should keep the details private. Feral lefties have found out who the skywriting company was and have deluged it with abusive messages. Depressing, but typical.

The PC Left are a nasty, bullying bunch. Quack on about love, but motivated by hate. Say they believe in freedom of speech -- but by that they mean "freedom to shout ... other people down".

Well, whoever was ultimately responsible for the skywritten message it was a very good tactic. It was guerrila warfare, in a way. After all, there's absolutely no way the "no" camp could've competed on the ground in this city.

You've got Clover Moore running a totally one-sided "Vote Yes" campaign, shamelessly using money from ratepayers, some of whom are surely against "marriage equality".

Then there are unions and big businesses such as Qantas, along with various leftie organizations -- many of which receive taxpayer funds, no doubt -- all pushing for SSM. Countless impressionable individuals have been caught up in the hysteria, too, plastering stickers and posters thither and yon. 

Where I am, in Sydney's inner west, they're all over the joint. And it's not just the slickly designed rainbows. There's also grafitti like this.

Mass hysteria is not too strong a word!

So, for the no camp to get their message out, there was the sheer number of "vote yes" signs to contend with. Then there's the well established habit of lefties tearing down any opposing promotional material. They do it absolutely shamelessly. 

That's their collective narcissism in action. They keep telling themselves that they are our moral betters, repeating their stupid false narrative in their tiny minds, utterly convinced they can create a utopia through hectoring us all into compliance.

They're so totes committed to this child-brained fantasy that they're utterly convinced anything opposing their own totalitarian view must be nothing less than fascism! Therefore, it has no right to be expressed in the first place. Hence the asonishingly inordinate levels of butthurt they suffer if you do so much as utter one word of resistance.

Which is why they were all massively triggered by two words, scrawled emphatically across a beautiful blue sky ... So great that it was on such a perfect day. Kinda symbolic really. (And remember that for a rainbow to appear, it has to be a crap, wet day to start with ...)

So funny that a fave leftie meme is "old man yells at clouds". That's what the sneering hipsters were doing all over Sydney on Sunday.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Clover Moore's SSM eye candy sweetens Sydney CBD

As the "marriage equality" plebiscite draws near it's very clear that the "yes" side are packin' death. They've been pulling out all the stops with their deceit and intimidation tactics lately. This is because they are terrified of the "no" side being able to get their arguments heard by most Aussies. If this happens and voters are provoked into thinking seriously about this issue, the pro-SSM side will likely lose. And they know it. 

So, they continue to keep things as emotive as possible. They blather that "love is love". And how could anyone be against love? Well, you must be a hater then!

That may seem like an argument but it is anything but. It's actually a very effective thought blocker. And blocking thought is the main aim of the PC Left. Once they've managed that, it's sooo much easier for them to manipulate people into buying their lies.

And this tactic is employed visually as well as verbally. Take Clover Moore's shameless campaign in support of SSM. There are rows of pretty red flags exhorting us to "Vote Yes" hung in Martin Place and Circular Quay. And there are other installations such as the one shown below in Pitt Street Mall.

The word "eye candy" definitely comes to mind here. They even look like big brightly coloured sugar sticks!

The Town Hall itself is being lit up at night.

Each evening, a different colour is displayed.

These visual effects are certainly very appealing. There's no denying that they evoke a strong emotional response, even in a flint-hearted Tory such as myself! So I certainly respect the work and skill that has gone into producing them.

Still, in the end, when you actually think about the issue, they constitute more evidence of the paucity of the "yes" case. They are a desperate attempt to dazzle Sydneysiders into accepting a massive, irreversible change to one of society's main foundations. Which is why this eye candy -- not unlike the real stuff -- ultimately leaves me feeling queasy.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Marriage equality advocates' love-hate relationship with democracy

The main feature of the push for "marriage equality" in Australia has been its overwhelmingly emotive nature. Its advocates hardly ever even attempt to argue their case in the usual sense. They tend to repeat this line that marriage is about love. And there's no denying that gay people are capable of loving each other, so how can you deny them marriage?

This has long been their tactic. Take this ad for the Greens that I saw in Perth several years ago:

That cracked me up when I saw it. First thing I thought was: Well if it's "about love not laws" why the hell do you want the law to be changed? I mean, why can't you be "married" in spirit without needing the official documentation?

Their approach is undeniably irrational. But it's been very successful. Its proponents have managed to draw many "undecideds" over to their view by using it. They now completely ignore the "no" case because it's based on a different, more thoughtful premise: while love is a big factor in marriage it's also about many other things such as the welfare of kids, social stability, and religious freedom.

So, heaps of people have bought the whole "love is love" line. For some, so complete is their commitment to this highly emotive position that they believe any questioning of it at all is must be against love itself!

Living in Sydney's inner west, I've seen quite a few stickers like this. Many of them refer specifically to the plebiscite itself.


I find this quite astonishing. Imagine being in such a permanently emotional state that you believe a flyer describing an opposing view -- something you'd wanna have in a democracy, surely -- was hateful in itself!

Though really, I shouldn't be that surprised. The PC Left has been honing this method of indoctrination for decades now and they're very, very good at it.

Basically, what they do with their pet positions on big issues is to associate them with positive emotions (love, joy, compassion, etc). By constant repetition they manage to con their followers into believing that their views are simply beyond reproach; that any deviation from them necessarily makes you a bad, hateful person.

Oh, and you're undemocratic as well ...

I saw the above poster yesterday. I thought it was so telling.

FFS, it's advertising local elections, explicitly extolling the virtues of democracy. Yet it invokes the trademark "marriage equality" rainbow in its very design!

Here's another example from one of the candidates. He doesn't refer to the issue specifically on his poster, but still includes the same colours.

Now, I know the plebiscite is not a local issue. So it won't be contested by candidates.

Still, isn't it interesting that it's alluded to on both these posters. It's kinda code for: "Hey, hipsters! Of course we're all good people who believe love is love, natch!" It's so dumb, like Julia Gillard saying "we are us".

The irony is that same sex marriage is not above politics; it's as political as an issue can be. And incredible as it may seem to the people behind these posters, there are actually inner westies who will be voting "no" in the upcoming plebiscite -- if it is actually held, that is.

But you'd better not tell them that. They'll think you're a bad, hateful person if you do. 

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Marriage equality marchers at Sydney Uni shout down Mariachi band

As we approach the date for the postal "marriage equality" plebiscite the tactics of the "yes" crowd are becoming increasingly desperate and aggressive ... The whole thing has been an eye opener for a lot of people. Many are beginning to realize that the term "rainbow fascist" is not all that OTT after all!

There have been many cases of their intolerance and bullying -- such as demonstrators haranguing the seniors in Melbourne, and Tim Minchin's hateful song sliming the whole country as homophobic.

But their obnoxious intolerance of different viewpoints is hardly surprising. As with so many causes in identity politics, same sex marriage advocates are totally obsessed with themselves and completely oblivious to the plight of other groups -- even other minorities.

I witnessed an illustration of this recently at Sydney University ...

See, I'd read that there was to be a "marriage equality" demo there so I lobbed to have a look. It was at the Fisher Library, and on my way there I saw a Mariachi band playing. They were accomplished and about twenty or so students had assembled around them to enjoy their music. 

Given the demo was on a university campus I assumed it would have a massive turnout. But actually there weren't that many people there. Also, all the three speakers I saw were white and male. (Sure, I wasn't there from the very beginning, so there could have been other speakers from different groups. Still, I thought this was telling given the PC Left's claims of being so "anti-racist" and all.)

These guys blathered on as expected about how hateful, cruel and intolerant the opposition were, and how it was so important to talk your friends into voting "yes", etc. Then they started their shouty little march across the campus.

As you can see from this short video, they ploughed on towards the band pictured above. You can actually hear the Mexican music near the end of the clip.

Rather than show respect to the performers, the demonstrators just kept chanting regardless until the three amigos had no option but to quit playing. (The video embedded below shows the band's bewilderment in the immediate aftermath.)

Now, I know these guys didn't constitute a counter demo. But they certainly still symbolized a minority culture. And it was quite telling how completely indifferent to them the gay marriage demonstrators actually were.

Would they have stopped shouting if they'd encountered a performance of Aboriginal music, or a speech by an imam keen to dispel myths about his religion? I seriously doubt it.

It was just a little episode, sure. But it seemed to encapsulate the bloody-minded self-obsession of the SSM crowd. And it thereby illustrated the inherent risk to social harmony of identity politics generally.

Clearly, if people identify primarily as members of oppressed groups and demand special rights and privileges they will inevitably clash with others like them. The loudest, most determined and privileged of these will happily steamroll the others, confirming how fraudulent their claims of solidarity with them truly are.