Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Occult and battery

I've written before about how there's often a creepy rock spider vibe in the Failing Terrorgraph. Here's another example.

In the January 6 issue there was a story about a competition to find the local bogan who sported the finest mullet.

As I've mentioned previously the images and headlines are laid out on the page to suggest some kind of subtextual theme or message

Now look at the headline for the story on the bottom left of the page, right under the words "Hairdo gene". 

Battered mullet, geddit?

You see this kind of creepy stuff all the time in the shitty propaganda peddling outlet for globalist scumbags, so there is no way that this could be there by chance. 

Given its proximity to the mullet story, the headline "Boy battered" is clearly meant to bring to mind the idea of killing kids and cooking them. 

That's deeply sinister in itself. And it may also be some kind of allusion to Madonna's bizarre IG clip about "fried fish". The reason I say that is because the obnoxious rag often features and makes reference to the occult elite in the US entertainment industry

In that video she looked pretty wonky, to say the least. And she sang that she had to have fried fish because there was no more "pasta". Something tells me she might have been signalling a desperate need for something a lot of other slebs craved at around the same time ... 

There are other aspects of the layout that make the page creepier still. Notice how the "boy battered" story talks about two boys being charged. And the mullet competition story has a photo of two boys. Again, not by chance. 

Directly below that photo of them are the words "Spirits high" from the headline of a story about a beverage company. This evokes the idea of their spirits (that is, life force) having left their bodies. "High" also brings to mind drugs. 

This occult theme is definitely related to the powerful substance Madonna seemed to be alluding to in her batshit "mansion fever" video. 

Speaking of "spirits", there's a related headline at the top of the page. It's about alcohol, drinks and parties. 

This might be specific comms related to this whole subject. The hair of the bogan oldster and his grand sprog are above the border of the story. So this looks like another "heads up" to "those in the know" -- perhaps about a shortage of this "good oil" (see video below). 

Of course this is all just speculation. But I do think I'm close to the mark with at least some of these observations. 

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Sunday, January 23, 2022

In the heat of the light

Here is another example of what I call symbolic incantation in the Failing Terrograph. It's from the January 9 issue. Legendary actor Sidney Poitier had just popped his clogs so all the "great and the good" across the world were waxing lyrical about what a total champ he was. 

The Sydney paper ran the obligatory laudatory spread and it had a couple of interdasting elements. There was the royal purple border, for example. 

And check out the photo they chose of him getting his honorary Oscar in 2002 for lifetime achievement

See that hand sign. It's an occult elite fave and symbolizes the "666". Of course he may have just meant it to mean "Okay". But given the Tele's love of occult elite symbolism, I think it was chosen for the Luciferian connotations. 

Speaking of which, the headline reads: "World mourns leading light." Who is the bringer of light

Then there's the shot of him getting another award, this time from noted globalist occultist Barack Obama.

See how the word "hell" from the headline of the story below about bikies lines up perfectly with his pink tie. 

I'm pretty sure that's not a coincidence. They have form for this kind of thing

"Hell's Angels" also brings to mind Lucifer because he was the angel who fell to Earth, remember? 

Not only that, they've cleverly reversed the bikie gang title in the headline. Turning things upside down is a favourite tactic of the occult elite. 

Maybe they were implying that Poitier himself was figuratively from hell? Everyone thinks he was some kinda saint. But perhaps they were telling their creepy mates that really he was one of them, a demonic dude who supported the NWO agenda, or something. 

And remember that pink is associated with that horrifically harvested drug I've blogged about recently. As well as being an extremely powerful psychedelic it's supposed to be a kind of "fountain of youth".

Could this have been why Poitier, like so many other Hollywood stars, lived so long? Who knows, but I don't think it's impossible. 

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Thursday, January 20, 2022

Creepy car comms in the MSM

I don't think there's any doubt that many MSM news items are there primarily for the purposes of comms. Many of these involve celebrities and what happens in their private lives. Being used in such a way is part of the contract they've made with the puppet masters. If they didn't agree to this they wouldn't have the fame and money they so clearly crave

There are many other stories about minor events that hardly seem newsworthy at all. You think, why are they there? Some of those are for comms too I reckon. 

What they'll often do is focus on some interchange on social media and build a whole story out of it. (And I'm not just talking about how the MSM will take tweet frenzies as an example of their dreary cultural Marxist BS. That's the political level, which is something else.) 

The ones I'm referring to are when something that just doesn't seem quite right gets turned into a story which has specific elements that feel kinda forced or added on. 

Take this one about the social media uproar related to the vandalism of a car parked in the disabled bay at a Coles in Melbourne

That sent my spidey senses off. There are heaps of little bitch-fests on Twitter and the like. Why focus on this particular one?

Well, I think it was to give them the justification for publishing this photo of the offending car. 

Cars bring to mind traffic. And notice the colour of the lipstick along with the empty trolleys next to it. The article itself drew attention to these two aspects of the photo as well as the make of the car: 

The message, written with what appears to be a pink marker, reads: "WHERE IS YOUR BADGE C***."

Two Coles shopping trolleys are also placed next to the Suzuki, which is parked at Keilor Central shopping centre.

I think this is comms related to this evil trade that I think is symbolized by pink in particular. Maybe they're saying that the orders from Japan were empty, and the local dealers were "not happy Jan"! 

Then there's this other story indirectly about Coles (which has that distinctive red and white logo). It describes how various brands of butter have been recalled.

Absurd, because there are no deaths from these spreads AFAIK. Yet the you know what, which is still being aggressively promoted by government and media, has already killed hundreds if not thousands of Aussies. 

Curious, I did a search for "butter" on Twitter and found out that a Korean boy band called BTS had a hit song about it.

It seems to be alluding to some extremely powerful illicit drug. And butter is kinda gold, remember. That's another motif I keep seeing in the MSM

Look at the official video. Notice all the pink, red and white, and gold in it. And look closely at the lyrics on screen. The condiment is given a slick and glamorous make over and seems to bestow superhuman qualities on those ingesting it! Remember that butter comes from milk, which is produced by all mammals including humans as food for their kids

The clip is reminiscent of "Pink" by Aerosmith. That's all about this drug as well, I reckon. 

I know it sounds out there. But I think the butter recall story and the lipstick on the windscreen one are related somehow. 

I think this whole trade is getting wonky as, and the globalist elite who run it are becoming really, really desperate. 

(Oh, and BTW, check out the one about Vegemite below. Same code too, I reckon.)

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Monday, January 17, 2022

Occult elite symbolism is evergreen and ever-present

You may wonder why so many pollies remain on social media. Sure, they want to get their preferred narrative out to the voters who do support them, but they usually receive so much abuse from the normies you'd think most would decide the whole thing constitutes a net loss. 

But there's another reason they're on. They are all part of the globalist program, which is focused on removing many of our rights. So they want to send out hidden messages regarding this agenda to those on their own elite level without us finding out what they're really up to. 

That's why it's worth looking very closely at their tweets and updates. They're not always coded comms, but sometimes they are. 

Take this tweet from the Zombie Squirrel. 

It's always nauseating when pollies try to endear themselves with the public by sharing glimpses into their daggy personal lives. On one level that was clearly what this update was meant to do. 

But I think there was a lot more going on under the surface. Notice how he used the term "wonky" twice. Among other things it means "not functioning properly or normally". 

I think this might have been a coded reference to the job that he as the Australian Health Minister was given by his occult controllers -- namely, the vaccine rollout. A pine tree has needles, after all. 

Maybe it was meant to symbolize something else as well? Most Christmas trees are evergreen. And we all know that this was Hillary's code name.

There was some very interdasting speculation about that massive ship the Evergiven (part of the Evergreen fleet) being stranded in the Suez Canal, remember. Could this relate to that somehow? 

Then there's the reference to slim pickings. What did that mean?

Pickings refers to harvesting. And what do you harvest from a Christmas tree? The presents? No, they are usually placed at the base. 

Could it have been an allusion to the nefarious activities of the occult elite Cabal who control the political establishment, as well as the media? I think that's possible given how insane the system we now live under is, and the outrageously unscientific "public health" directives Hunt himself has facilitated.

Also, what's with the "flushed" emoji. Why bring that into it? Doesn't seem organic at all. That, like the classic Vegemite jingle, suggests a "rose" in a cheek. There's a deep (white) rabbit hole to do with that imagery as well ... 

Sure, I'm speculating wildly. But I do think it's worthwhile because he, along with ScoMo, has form for detailed use of symbolism. 

Remember how he cast himself as a kind of military saviour in the war on the 'rona and he and the other political "top brass" kept flashing that stupid V-sign at every opportunity? 

That was creepy as. So, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm warm with my theory on the tree tweet. 

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Wednesday, January 12, 2022

How quickly the needle shifts ...

Just amazes me how brazen the globalist-controlled state premiers are. And their contempt for the voters is just off the charts. 

So-called conspiracy theorists have long claimed that the single and double jabbed would themselves be deemed unvaccinated as the powers that be herd the sheeple into their booster program. 

We're there already. (Actually, it's been this way for a while.) Here's another perfect example of this. 

See what she did there? Without overtly stating it, the QLD Health Minister implied that now only triple jabbed are truly jabbed. So the stats of those "unvaccinated" who were hospitalized almost certainly included those who'd had one or two needle stabs.

So technically she's not lying according to this updated definition. She's just assuming you won't notice the sleight of hand. 

Or maybe she's such an idiot herself that she hasn't twigged to the deception? (Actually, she may not have even penned the tweet herself. Quite possible that one of her Deep State advisers did.)

Annastacia is using the same concept, although with slightly different wording. Both on the same page of course. 

And the MSM won't call either of them out on it either, I'll bet! 

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Sunday, January 9, 2022

Blue dogs get special treatment

I've written before about this blue dog pattern in the Failing Terrorgraph. I know some people might think I'm being obsessive about it. And yes I probably am. 

It's not some super-significant thing in and off itself. But it points to something hidden in the shadows, so to speak. That's this weird cult that so many globalists are members of, or at least respect. 

From what I can tell the blue dog motif represents Sirius the dog star. It's also called the "blazing star" and is significant in Freemasonry in particular

There are heaps of Masons in the upper echelons of all Australian institutions. So they love to show their reverence for this symbol whenever they can. It's kind of like coded genuflecting for secret society wankers. 

For some reason this phenomenon is more pronounced in the Sydney paper than other outlets. But you do see it right throughout the MSM. 

It's often a big factor in which stories they choose, the wording of the headlines and how they're laid out on the page. 

Take this story from the December 26 issue. Hounds feature in all but one of the critter shots. (Notice also how the headline clearly equates animals with humans. More on this in the video embedded below.)

The hero mutt -- surrounded by blue, of course -- is being treated with great reverence like he's an idol in some strange ritual. He's like their extra-spesh, golden-haired boy or something. 

Another adored pooch whose owners (or is that servants?) wear a lot of blue. 

The masks always look absurd. But they seem doubly so when it's only the humans who are wearing them. It's usually the dogs that are muzzled, innit? 

Blue harness. And how many people have ever had "hydrotherapy"? 

As I've said before, there are plenty more examples like this. I'll often see several in the one issue. I simply do not have the time to collate them all, let alone write blog posts about them.

The reason I want people to know about this is because it shows that the MSM is being run by people with hidden agendas. Of course we all know about the ideological stuff going on under the surface. There are unstated financial forces at work too. But the blue dog motif  and others like it constitute proof that there's a batshit cult element at play as well. 

When you really get a sense of just how deeply embedded and pervasive this is in so many institutions, much of the current craziness becomes easier to understand.

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