Monday, July 18, 2022

Courting chaos is fascist fun

The public face of the Australian mainstream media is one of middle class normality and wholesomeness. Obviously this was never a true representation of the kind of people working in it -- particularly in its upper echelons.

But it should be clear from the last two years of relentless globalist propaganda to trick the entire nation into getting the you know what along with zero actual truth seeking into its downside that there is something deeply fraudulent about the entire industry. 

There are no dinkum journalists working in the big outlets here. Just like pretty much every politician in the major parties, they are all controlled arsehats. 

It seems to be that all major MSM-related developments here are scripted by some shadowy elite. Particularly when it comes to highly controversial actions, I suspect no one does anything unless they are paid to and/or made to. 

Take Lisa Wilkinson, for example. You all know that she threw a massive spanner into the machinations of the Brittany Higgins rape case with her Logies speech. 

Why would she do such a thing? We all know she's a narcissistic meathead but she can't be that stupid, surely ... 

That's why I think recent coverage of this whole issue in the Failing Terrorgraph was interdasting, to say the least. As mentioned previously, this putrid lie factory does have form for occult elite symbolism. The clever use of headlines and imagery often hints at the open secrets of local illuminaries.

Look closely at the cover from June 22. The first two words of the headline are "hand up", clearly referring to the photo chosen. 

Note the alliteration: "caused court chaos". Right next to it, there's another headline that repeats the same first letter. You've got three C's down the page right next to each other. Is this meant to evoke a 33, that fave number of secret society wankers? Maybe.

Even if not, this can't be a coincidence. It seems to link the two stories thematically. 

In the next day's issue was this spread. On the right hand side was a story about the Barbie movie. It featured Margot Robbie, the spunky Aussie actress playing the eponymous character. She wore bright pink and that was mentioned in the headline

Just next to it was a story about money and cars. Robbie also seemed to be drinking iced coffee. There's been some fascinating symbolism to do with that lately as well

On the other side was a story about a local terrorist wannabe. It included a bizarre shot of the deranged dude in a skull mask in front of an eerie pinky-purple background, which I suspect was photoshopped. 

Note the headline in the story next to it. It related to kids and used violent imagery, something they do often, along with placing stories about them next to those about death, violence and fear.

So this all looked like the usual symbolic incantation. But there was one specific element that tied this item back to the paper's previous coverage of the Wilkinson issue. Look at the sun symbol above the word "extremist" above. That is a black sun. 

It's a notorious Nazi symbol beloved by the Azov Battalion in the Ukraine and also the globalist occult elite. That should surprise no one because those masterminding the chaos of the last two years are clearly a bunch of literally fascist control freaks. 

This kind of worship seemed to be invoked in a previous symbolic rabbit hole that included a cartoon of Wilkinson being silenced by a red scarf. This in turn led me to discover this fascinating blog post

So there appeared to be some strange submerged narrative to do with the occult elite's literally fascist philosophy. 

Then there was this spread, in the same issue (June 23).

On the left page was the usual editorial, and on the right a toon mocking Wilkinson herself. The main editorial was about pedophiles getting off easily. Note the use of the word "justice" and "murdered". 

The letters section included a shot of a previous article featuring the dopey presenter with the word "justice" in that headline too. (Click on the photo if you can't see it clearly.) 

Again, what are the odds? Like with the cover on the issue of the day before, there seemed to be some sort of subtextual thematic link being made. 

The toon itself, which featured the scales of justice, was most notable of all. The caricature of the crusading "journalist" was shown taking the law into "her own hands". 

Note also the one eye symbolism and the crown which I think might have been a reference to the Great Reset context ("the crown is dead, long live the corona"). 

Note how her right arm is held up in a kind of Nazi salute. This was clearly meant to be noticed by those in the know because of the reference on the earlier cover to "hands up". This is also a phrase that someone uses when wielding a gun, right? 

Combining this spread with the other elements described above seems to suggest some sort of hint about how her ill-considered speech was linked to fascism, among other very unsavoury things. 

And look at the headline for the column just below the toon. Sure, it's a legal commision being referred to. But the word "body" and how it's described as "beyond" along with mention of "sins of the past" is fascinating, particularly when you recall the earlier cover and the headline about a "cold case". 

The blue background is also notable since this was featured in the toon depicting her and Pirate Pete some days before (please check out the video linked above). 

I'll let you join those dots however you wish. But I think you'll agree, there seems to be a deep dark rabbit hole being alluded to here. 

If this is the case, is it based in fact? I have no way of knowing, and that's not what I'm focusing on. I'm pointing out how the patterns suggest a hidden narrative. Maybe it's all BS? 

In any case, it's definitely sinister. 

There are some more data points for your consideration in the video below about other aspects of the ongoing coverage around that time. 

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Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Dim like Flint

We all know that the mainstream media journalists of today are not critical thinkers. But their persistent dopiness really does defy belief. 

Check out this guy John Flint, who writes for Perth lie factory the Worst Australian. He's lauded as some kinda shit hot investigative reporter. And he's just dropped a "bombshell report" about the dreaded 'rona. I can't read it in full because it's behind a paywall.

But there is an article on another local fake news outlet that has some details. The podcast hacks quacking on about it are just as clueless as Flinty himself

Basically he got hit with the 'rona twice in rapid succession so he reckons the public health rules should be tightened even further! FFS.

There's no doubt he's been "vaccinated" because he's been so supportive of all the restrictions. So, if it was the 'rona both times, it proves the shots don't work. So why isn't he complaining about that?

Also, was it actually the 'rona to blame, or just different strains of lurgy? The tests are notoriously unreliable, yet he treats the results as holy writ.

Back in the good old days it was not unusual to get sick a couple of times in a bad flu season, remember.  

Actually, I suspect he's fallen ill because his immune system has been compromised by the you know what. But neither he nor his mates talking about his experience in the podcast embedded in the above-linked article have even started to suspect this. 

Flinty's big contribution is to say that the public health rules should reflect the lightning speed with which the dreaded 'rona could hit you again. He says that even though the official immunity period after infection is now down to a month it should be made even shorter!

I suppose that in a strange way that's a start. He and his dopey mates at the Worst Australian are slowly realizing that these rules are meaningless. The WA CHO is a complete clown and he's basically pulling all these restrictions and definitions out of his arse. 

The real disaster is coming as increasing numbers of severely immunocompromised syringe-stabbed folk get sicker and sicker and more often -- then start to die en masse. 

At this point will these idiots start to realize the full horror of what has been perpetrated by globalists using state and federal governments and their public health systems? I hope so but I doubt it. 

In any case I saw this coming ages ago. There was a US-based Aussie journo called Nathan Vass who got very sick after a J and J jab and wrote about it in the Failing Terrorgraph (see video below). 

The concern I had then has already come to pass, with several people in the Australian media and entertainment industries dying suddenly and mysteriously, including at least one in WA (Russell Woolf). 

These people are obviously complete morons but I do feel sorry for them. 

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Saturday, July 9, 2022

Hanging out with the neighbours

There was a very interdasting item in the Failing Terrorgraph on February 12. It was all about the impending death of the Aussie institution Neighbours. The cover photo struck my (illuminati) eye. 

The idea that it was described as a factory now on death row seemed strangely sinister. And the shot featured had a strong occult elite vibe because the woman's arm around the dude's head suggested a triangle with the classic one eye under the apex.

This combined with the headline saying it was "on the ropes" suggested hanging. 

I found it all so intriguing that I actually recorded a video about it, embedded below. 

Then there was a page in the June 30 issue that included a similar photo in a piece about the final expiration of the long running soapie. 

It featured the same dude, though this time he was the one doing the mock throttling.

Just below that photo on the other side was a small item about the sentencing of Ghislaine Maxwell, bringing to mind the whole isue of child trafficking. 

Note the photo chosen. It had Epstein with his arm around her neck. It also suggested strangling -- particularly when you consider its proximity to the other one on the page. 

"Sent away to rot" was the title. And if you look at the top of the page, above the Neighbours item, there was an unrelated headline that read: "Unwinding a trade wreck."

If you conclude that the two mock throttling shots below it were some kind of code for "hanging" then the description "unwinding" evoked rope ... Which takes me back to the first image. 

It's all very creepy. 

It seems that there was some kind of equivalence being made here between Neighbours and what Epstein and Maxwell were up to and that the reason for the show's cancellation over so many years was somehow related to this.

It had to be nixed because it was a "trade wreck". Not sure what the trade was exactly but I'm pretty sure it was not anywhere near as wholesome as the soap itself was. 

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Friday, July 1, 2022

Michelle Obama is heartbroken

One thing that really stands out for me is how often you see terms like heartbroken and heartfelt in mainstream media articles and columns these days. It's like the pinky-purple thing. And I believe they are related. 

Michelle Obama used the term repeatedly in this opinion piece about the US Supreme Court overturning Roe vs Wade. 

Hopefully you can read this but if not just click on the photo and you'll get a clearer version. You'll see, she repeats the word heartbroken several times. She feigns compassion for chickdom while communicating her rage to her creepy mates about the looming lack of foetus hearts to break. 

There's another subtextual message here that you can discern if you look at the column in the context of the others on the page. Look at the first photo and you'll see there's one about what a champ Bruce McAvaney is. The writer makes a big deal about his call of the Cathy Freeman Olympic gold medal win. 

The headline reads: "Bruce is the Cathy of callers." It's kinda like saying Michelle is a Mike, innit? 

That's clearly what they're alluding to. Here's another outlet doing something similar with this photo of Pink, who's also enraged about the SCOTUS ruling

Note the first names behind her head (one is the prefix of Billboard). They're hinting to a select audience that the singer isn't quite as qualified to opine on the matter as she claims. The current woke rule is "no uterus, no opinion", after all. 

Both these lie factories have form for mocking "conspiracy theories", including ones about how many famous chicks are actually dudes in reality. Yet they seem to be confirming them with these sneaky comms.  

This is another sign that they are hopelessly corrupt, and happy to tell titanic lies day in day out for their criminal owners, the globalist elite. 

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