Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Dead panda

Only a week or so ago I posted about a bizarre pattern in the MSM to do with pandas and pink hearts. If that wasn't weird enough, there was another story that featured a panda not long after that. Critter escaped from its enclosure and was run over, apparently.

This absolutely has to be some sort of symbolic incantation or comms. It cannot have happened by chance.

Think about it: Sydney paper publishes story about cute baby red pandas on March 11. Then in the March 19 issue there's a piece about how a red panda escaped from a wildlife park near Sydney and was killed by a car on a road. What are the odds? 

The way the story is presented is interdasting also. 

See how it's at the bottom of the page. There's a photo of a red panda, and it's exactly underneath a woman in a red dress. That story is about stunnas getting dolled up at the races. I think they really like horses because of the idea of horsepower, which brings to mind cars (traffic)

Note also how her right leg is directly over the red panda. 

Secret society wankers love their shoe, boot and leg symbolism. And they have form for this alignment trick. There's an example of it at the bottom of this post about another of their fave symbols, the blue dog

I think this is about the horrific hidden business related to "panda eyes". Note also the headline on the top right hand side of the page. It includes the words "painful fee hike". 

Perhaps they're saying that the whole evil trade to which they refer is no longer in the black but is now in the red? Or maybe it's just more symbolic incantation to keep the whole sinister vibe going. 

Whatever it is, it's creepy as all get out. And the pattern is undeniable. 

So if you wanna debunk my "conspiracy theory" then saying "you're batshit" isn't good enough. You have to offer an alternative explanation for something so unlikely that it could not possibly be a random event. If you have one, please submit it in comments. 

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Saturday, March 19, 2022

Every witch way but news

We all know that the so-called "journalists" at their ABC are tragically indoctrinated, globalist-controlled lefties, which is why they don't produce actual news but selective propaganda. They're also driven by feelings, not facts. As a result much of their star broadcasters' commentary is as incoherent as it is cringeworthy. Being so child-brained and daft, they routinely contradict themselves too. 

Two recent gargles from Virginia Trioli illustrate this perfectly. Take this think -- sorry, feel -- piece on that whole "mean girls" narrative related to the tragic death of Kimberley Kitching

The friends, colleagues and relatives of Kitching who may feel aggrieved at the pressure she was under to retain her preselection may also feel driven by a righteous anger that now clearly feeds the media cycle — but it is profoundly disappointing that it's playing out in archaic and sexist language that has its origin in representations of witches, harpies and shrews.

It's full of the usual crap about culture and misogyny, natch. And she avoids addressing the fact that the reason the term "mean girls" is featured in so much of the current commentary is because Kitching herself used this term to describe the three Labor women shown above. 

But it's the witches reference that made me laugh because of what she wrote not so long ago about women's entirely justified anger against the patriarchy:

We are going to have to get comfortable with seeing a woman's rage. And if this generation is offering to teach us all the dark arts of refusing to make nice — I want to join their coven.

Eh? So being a witch was kewl back then? I'm confused ... 

Virginia is really having a bob each way here. She's clearly ambivalent about the whole wiccan thing.

It's a bit like this famous quote you may have heard: "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."

Weirdly apt given she's a cultural Marxist. Though, unlike Groucho himself she's not so much a joker but a joke. And an unfunny one at that.

Broom, broom! 

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Monday, March 14, 2022

Michael Rowland has the dreaded 'rona

Funny how many dopey slebs are now claiming to have caught COVID-19. Most of them have made such a song and dance about getting "vaccinated", after all. Take the Southbank Ken Doll, Michael Rowland.

He, along with Norman Swan, did a whole segment covering his experience of getting the syringe stab to help keep everyone safe. Fat lot of good that did him. 

Unless of course he was faking it, which is what I suspected at the time. Hence the video embedded below. 

Either way Michael Rowland is wearing massive clown shoes right now. If he did dinkum get jabbed then the magic potion clearly doesn't work, does it?

OTOH, if he was faking it that makes him a lying, low-life, dirty dog POS. 

Kind of a lose-lose type situation, innit? 

In any case I think there might actually be something else going on here. It's possible that the 'rona claim is cover for other developments behind the scenes. If he doesn't return to broadcasting at all, I won't be surprised. 

We will see ...  

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Saturday, March 12, 2022

Anti-Putin demo at Sydney Town Hall

Was in the Sydney CBD on the 9th of March and saw this rally against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I was in a bit of a hurry so didn't watch much of it but it seemed that the protesters were all or mostly Russians against Putin.

The two speakers I saw were definitely echoing the "Mad Vlad" narrative that is so dominant in the MSM lately and saying he wanted to expand his empire. I know Putin is far perfect. But there's obviously a helluva lot of other stuff going on that the fake news doesn't tell us about. It's mainly to do with the US biolabs. 

There was a gruff old dude in the crowd who looked a bit drunk. He was yelling stuff out about Soviet Russia or something. Maybe he was an old school commie Russian and was hankering for the good ol' days? Not sure. He might have just been very enthusiastically supportive of what the speakers were saying. It was hard to tell. 

But I thought it was very revealing that the two cops who were there went up and told him to calm down. You can actually see this in the quick video I made. (BTW it ends abruptly because the camera ran out of memory.) 

So they clearly had instructions to support the rally. Said heaps given that their counterparts in Canberra have been using high tech, Deep State weaponry on Aussies protesting against the vaccine mandates and other globalist insanity. 

It's obviously not Putin who's the the main imperialist but the globalist Cabal, who own and control the MSM and pretty much all establishment politicians. 

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