It always cracks me up that lefties sneer at those who believe that many powerful, rich elites and international socialists have long been working towards the creation of a centralized global government or "New World Order". The right-on line is that this is a deranged conspiracy theory pushed by swivel-eyed truthers.
But it's pretty obvious that PC lefties wanna erode sovereignty and absorb nations into a larger economic, cultural and governmental system that they control completely. Look at the EU and the UN. If they are not precursors to one world government -- that is, a New World Order -- I dunno what are. Anyway, there have been numerous well known people who have openly used the term over many decades.
I've become fascinated by this whole concept lately, which is why I found it amusing to see the term being used on the front page of The Australian recently.
This was referring to the theme of Scott Morrison's Lowy Lecture the day before. This was pretty ironic because ScoMo was describing a policy direction that was more nationalistic and veered away from the New World Order. If anything, his speech signalled a return to an older one (and a good thing too).
This shift clearly had much to do with Trump's influence, which was upsetting to the socialists at The Guardian.
Morrison’s insistence “Australia’s international engagement will be squarely driven by Australia’s national interests” is unremarkable language for any leader.
Channelling John Howard, he cast this as a forthright but co-operative independence: “We will decide our interests and the circumstances in which we seek to pursue them.”
But what followed – condemning “a new variant of globalism that seeks to elevate global institutions above the authority of nation states to direct national policies” – echoed not only Trump, but Brexit figures such as Nigel Farage in form.
“We should avoid any reflex towards a negative globalism that coercively seeks to impose a mandate from an often ill-defined borderless global community and, worse still, an unaccountable internationalist bureaucracy,” he said.
“Only a national government, especially one accountable through the ballot box and the rule of law, can define its national interests. We can never answer to a higher authority.”
Notably, other MSM outlets fixated on this particular part of his speech. Being tools of globalist elites themselves, they don't like this at all.
But it's a really good sign for Australians generally. ScoMo was elected in major part because he was more of a nationalist than Shorten. And the fact that he's shown himself to be such a solid supporter of Trump is very heartening. Bolshie butthurt about it is better still!
Often intemperate and sometimes foam-flecked rants about politics, current events and popular culture by Perth blogger and very occasional standup Matt Hayden (obviously not the cricketer). Your problem if you can't spot the sit-down comedy.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Saturday, October 26, 2019
MSM's claims that they care about our "right to know" ring very hollow
This weird press freedom campaign keeps going right across the MSM. There are stories in News Ltd dailies with a kinda logo that includes redacted text. It's all very slick and well thought out. There's even a dedicated website for it.
All the mainstream outlets are part of this and it is clearly meant to make the Government look furtive and sneaky. Odd to see all the TV, radio and newspapers so unified since they are often sniping at each other over various issues. Why have they buried the hatchet?
And think about the wider context: For years now Trump has been complaining that the Russian collusion narrative is a "witch hunt". And he's recently been claiming that the Dems are actually attempting a coup. The Whitehouse is now going on the offensive, with the declassification of what are reputed to be bombshell reports imminent. In the last coupla days the DOJ has made the inquiry into the origins of the Russia collusion narrative a criminal investigation.
And remember, there's a significant local link to all this. George Papadopoulos has long claimed that Alexander Downer -- whom he calls "Clinton's errand boy" -- spied on him at the behest of the Deep State.
Yet there seems to be no mention of this at all in the "Your Right to Know" campaign. Sure, press freedom is vital. And of course issues like those listed below are important. But there's definitely an elephant in the room here. It's from Adelaide, talks with a plum in its mouth, and has been known to wear fishnets.
"Your Right to Know" looks very much like insurance for when the shit hits the fan. The MSM seem to be desperately tryna brainwash the normies into blaming the Government and not them for keeping Aussies in the dark over this. They (pre-emptively) doth protest too much, methinks.
And let's face it, they must've known heaps about this, and for a long time. Remember that politics is showbiz for ugly people. And Canberra, like Hollywood, is a hotbed for gossip.
Everybody in Tinsel Town effing knew about Harvey Weinstein. So surely everyone -- pollies, journos, the lot -- must've heard rumours of Australian involvement in the plot to derail Trump's run for President. Even if they were unfounded, surely they were newsworthy. So why have we only heard about all this recently?
This is a good Twitter thread on this theme.
BTW, that guy, Dr Russell McGregor, had his career as a shrink nuked because he was posting about this whole QAnon phenomenon. The Medical Council of NSW said it was a "paranoid conspiracy theory". So ironic because if anything deserves that label it's the MSM's official "Vlad the Imposter" line. Yet it's so obviously BS on stilts! (I talk about this in the second half of this video. Please check it out.)
You'd think that such an extreme, official reaction against one highly qualified professional over what he posted online would be newsworthy in itself. Yet AFAIK Dr McGregor's plight has not been reported at all in the MSM. Weird, eh?
There are other aspects to this whole "press freedom" campaign that make it seem so suss. Thoughts on these below.
All the mainstream outlets are part of this and it is clearly meant to make the Government look furtive and sneaky. Odd to see all the TV, radio and newspapers so unified since they are often sniping at each other over various issues. Why have they buried the hatchet?
And think about the wider context: For years now Trump has been complaining that the Russian collusion narrative is a "witch hunt". And he's recently been claiming that the Dems are actually attempting a coup. The Whitehouse is now going on the offensive, with the declassification of what are reputed to be bombshell reports imminent. In the last coupla days the DOJ has made the inquiry into the origins of the Russia collusion narrative a criminal investigation.
And remember, there's a significant local link to all this. George Papadopoulos has long claimed that Alexander Downer -- whom he calls "Clinton's errand boy" -- spied on him at the behest of the Deep State.
Yet there seems to be no mention of this at all in the "Your Right to Know" campaign. Sure, press freedom is vital. And of course issues like those listed below are important. But there's definitely an elephant in the room here. It's from Adelaide, talks with a plum in its mouth, and has been known to wear fishnets.
"Your Right to Know" looks very much like insurance for when the shit hits the fan. The MSM seem to be desperately tryna brainwash the normies into blaming the Government and not them for keeping Aussies in the dark over this. They (pre-emptively) doth protest too much, methinks.
And let's face it, they must've known heaps about this, and for a long time. Remember that politics is showbiz for ugly people. And Canberra, like Hollywood, is a hotbed for gossip.
Everybody in Tinsel Town effing knew about Harvey Weinstein. So surely everyone -- pollies, journos, the lot -- must've heard rumours of Australian involvement in the plot to derail Trump's run for President. Even if they were unfounded, surely they were newsworthy. So why have we only heard about all this recently?
This is a good Twitter thread on this theme.
BTW, that guy, Dr Russell McGregor, had his career as a shrink nuked because he was posting about this whole QAnon phenomenon. The Medical Council of NSW said it was a "paranoid conspiracy theory". So ironic because if anything deserves that label it's the MSM's official "Vlad the Imposter" line. Yet it's so obviously BS on stilts! (I talk about this in the second half of this video. Please check it out.)
There are other aspects to this whole "press freedom" campaign that make it seem so suss. Thoughts on these below.
Monday, October 21, 2019
MSM's concerted "press freedom" campaign seems suss somehow ...
I'm all for press freedom and I firmly believe in the public's right to know. But this massive, coordinated campaign by pretty much every mainstream media outlet in Oz has my spidey senses going right off!
It's so highly coordinated, and conformist in its expression it's alarming. It looks like they all got a memo from MEAA or something ...
Fact that Labor are joining them in solidarity is just laughable. This is the same party that, under Julia Gillard, put extreme pressure on News Ltd, resulting in Glenn Milne getting his career nuked. Broadcaster Michael Smith was also permanently punted because he was practising real investigative journalism re Gillard's dodgy history. (And he, unlike pretty much every one of his still employed former peers, has doggedly pursued the story since. Then there's all the Clinton Foundation stuff he's looked into; stuff that the rest of the MSM seems to have studiously avoided. Reflects on the profession just as badly as Labor joining the pile on.)
Also, remember that creepy Stalinist plan Labor had to censor the blogosphere? I recall them wanting to monitor everything online for badthink, and they were even talking about bloggers needing licences ... And wasn't that Jonathan Lea dude punted just recently for asking Shorten a difficult question?
Shouldn't dinkum truth seekers be mocking Hot Albo, Mark Dreyfus, Kristina Keneally et al for their shameless opportunism and hilarious hypocrisy, instead of all holding up their identical "redacted" papers in exactly the same pompous, po-faced manner and looking like totally lockstep, hive-mind, robodolt twats.
Cop an optic of the Ultimo Ken Doll below, with his fellow activists posing as journalists. This photo cracks me up!
Gawd. Gotta be the first time that these socialist snowflakes held eeevil Rupert's rags in an approving way. They'll prolly all frantically rush off to bathrooms to wash their hands yelling: "Eeeek! Eeeek! Unclean!" Rowland himself looks like he's just about to barf. What a laugh!
They look like a pack of zombies, a more sombre version of Extinction Rebellion, whose batshit antics they've been shamelessly promoting BTW. In the same way that those feral loons all claim to be raising awareness about "the science" of climate change but are actually just muppets mind-controlled by globalist elites, these clowns purport to be standing up for journalistic principles, but are actually mere political pawns being moved across a chessboard.
I mean, if they are dinkum journos interested in the free exchange of ideas why do they all pedal this crap about climate change skeptics being "denialists", and still tragically cling to the "Vlad the Imposter" conspiracy theory, among many other things?
And check out the shot below of their ABC staffers from the mild West. Do you think Gillian OShaughnessy and her ilk are against the chillingly censorious 18C legislation? Odds are they support it -- enthusiastically. Bet they're all on same page when it comes to SSM, gender fluidity, feminism, multiculti etc., too ...
These woke folk are much closer to being thought police than anything else. For them to claim they are free speech champions is just a big fat fricken lie!
And boy do they ever look like a sad bunch of bolshie bozos (and bozettes). Not an original thought among them ... FFS, one of them's even wearing a fricken dunce cap! How apt.
If these people actually pursued the truth instead of relentlessly pedalling the bollocks PC narrative, I'd believe this campaign was a principled stand. But nup. Looks much more like (crap) political theatre to me.
So ... what's the real agenda behind it? Thoughts on what that might actually be below:
It's so highly coordinated, and conformist in its expression it's alarming. It looks like they all got a memo from MEAA or something ...
Fact that Labor are joining them in solidarity is just laughable. This is the same party that, under Julia Gillard, put extreme pressure on News Ltd, resulting in Glenn Milne getting his career nuked. Broadcaster Michael Smith was also permanently punted because he was practising real investigative journalism re Gillard's dodgy history. (And he, unlike pretty much every one of his still employed former peers, has doggedly pursued the story since. Then there's all the Clinton Foundation stuff he's looked into; stuff that the rest of the MSM seems to have studiously avoided. Reflects on the profession just as badly as Labor joining the pile on.)
Also, remember that creepy Stalinist plan Labor had to censor the blogosphere? I recall them wanting to monitor everything online for badthink, and they were even talking about bloggers needing licences ... And wasn't that Jonathan Lea dude punted just recently for asking Shorten a difficult question?
Shouldn't dinkum truth seekers be mocking Hot Albo, Mark Dreyfus, Kristina Keneally et al for their shameless opportunism and hilarious hypocrisy, instead of all holding up their identical "redacted" papers in exactly the same pompous, po-faced manner and looking like totally lockstep, hive-mind, robodolt twats.
Cop an optic of the Ultimo Ken Doll below, with his fellow activists posing as journalists. This photo cracks me up!
Gawd. Gotta be the first time that these socialist snowflakes held eeevil Rupert's rags in an approving way. They'll prolly all frantically rush off to bathrooms to wash their hands yelling: "Eeeek! Eeeek! Unclean!" Rowland himself looks like he's just about to barf. What a laugh!
They look like a pack of zombies, a more sombre version of Extinction Rebellion, whose batshit antics they've been shamelessly promoting BTW. In the same way that those feral loons all claim to be raising awareness about "the science" of climate change but are actually just muppets mind-controlled by globalist elites, these clowns purport to be standing up for journalistic principles, but are actually mere political pawns being moved across a chessboard.
I mean, if they are dinkum journos interested in the free exchange of ideas why do they all pedal this crap about climate change skeptics being "denialists", and still tragically cling to the "Vlad the Imposter" conspiracy theory, among many other things?
And check out the shot below of their ABC staffers from the mild West. Do you think Gillian OShaughnessy and her ilk are against the chillingly censorious 18C legislation? Odds are they support it -- enthusiastically. Bet they're all on same page when it comes to SSM, gender fluidity, feminism, multiculti etc., too ...
These woke folk are much closer to being thought police than anything else. For them to claim they are free speech champions is just a big fat fricken lie!
And boy do they ever look like a sad bunch of bolshie bozos (and bozettes). Not an original thought among them ... FFS, one of them's even wearing a fricken dunce cap! How apt.
If these people actually pursued the truth instead of relentlessly pedalling the bollocks PC narrative, I'd believe this campaign was a principled stand. But nup. Looks much more like (crap) political theatre to me.
So ... what's the real agenda behind it? Thoughts on what that might actually be below:
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Based KAK provokes pack attack
While their ABC is the worst outlet for politically correct group think, the rest of the MSM is almost as bad. Commercial TV is chockas with hand-wringing, virtue signalling arsehats all toeing the globalist, warmist line. That's why I'm so glad there are people like Kerri-Anne Kennerley still working in it. She definitely possesses common sense and the courage to express it in very blunt terms. Maybe that is because of all the struggles she's had during her very long career.
Recently, on Studio Ten, she had this to say about the Extinction Rebellion protestors:
Personally, I would leave them all super glued to wherever they do it, the guy hanging from the Story Bridge. Why send emergency services? Leave him there until he gets himself out… no emergency services should help them, nobody should do anything, and you just put little witches hats around them, or use them as a speedbump.
I can imagine that the vast majority of normies watching the show heartily agreed with that sentiment. The XR protestors are just parasitic narcissists causing chaos. They aren't doing any good at all.
But KAK's spray seems to have been the only one of its kind in the entire MSM. She has been roundly condemned for the comments by many of her peers. And of course the Twitter trollective lost their shit big time over it.
Revealing to see how many misogynistic insults were used against her from those caring, sharing, feminist lefties ... You can be damn sure that many of those getting stuck in with the "dumb blonde" angle re Kerri-Anne would be appalled if those same insults were hurled at that other blonde "KK", Kristina Keneally. Most of the blokes among this mob would be white-knighting up a storm!
Says so much that Tony Windsor not only tweeted something so malicious and puerile, but happily left it up on the site. It shows that he knows he won't be held to the same standard that those sledging a prominent feminist woman would be.
Windsor has been a frequent guest on that excruciating right-on jawfest The Drum. Imagine if he'd tweeted something along the same lines about Ms Keneally. He'd be permabanned in a microsecond without a doubt! But because he's attacked a safe target he's almost certain to be on there bloviating up a storm again before long.
Speaking of The Drum, and its preferred narrative: Claire Harvey demonstrates how to condemn the protestors while still obeying the warmist, globalist line and thereby not risk being punted from future panels.
See, you can criticize the methods by which those hordes of shrieking, insane twats aimed to "raise awareness of climate change" and "help save the planet". But you must do it in a very mild, polite manner (unlike KAK). And you better not question their agenda itself. That is wrongthink. And it is verboten!
Clearly, almost everyone in the MSM has received this memo in one form or another and they obey it whenever the topic is discussed. This is extremely annoying. But it's also toxic to social cohesion and public mental health among other things.
Be great if the MSM stopped running the line that the narcissistic ferals have admirable goals. FFS, they are just useful idiots!
Recently, on Studio Ten, she had this to say about the Extinction Rebellion protestors:
Personally, I would leave them all super glued to wherever they do it, the guy hanging from the Story Bridge. Why send emergency services? Leave him there until he gets himself out… no emergency services should help them, nobody should do anything, and you just put little witches hats around them, or use them as a speedbump.
I can imagine that the vast majority of normies watching the show heartily agreed with that sentiment. The XR protestors are just parasitic narcissists causing chaos. They aren't doing any good at all.
But KAK's spray seems to have been the only one of its kind in the entire MSM. She has been roundly condemned for the comments by many of her peers. And of course the Twitter trollective lost their shit big time over it.
Revealing to see how many misogynistic insults were used against her from those caring, sharing, feminist lefties ... You can be damn sure that many of those getting stuck in with the "dumb blonde" angle re Kerri-Anne would be appalled if those same insults were hurled at that other blonde "KK", Kristina Keneally. Most of the blokes among this mob would be white-knighting up a storm!
Says so much that Tony Windsor not only tweeted something so malicious and puerile, but happily left it up on the site. It shows that he knows he won't be held to the same standard that those sledging a prominent feminist woman would be.
Windsor has been a frequent guest on that excruciating right-on jawfest The Drum. Imagine if he'd tweeted something along the same lines about Ms Keneally. He'd be permabanned in a microsecond without a doubt! But because he's attacked a safe target he's almost certain to be on there bloviating up a storm again before long.
Speaking of The Drum, and its preferred narrative: Claire Harvey demonstrates how to condemn the protestors while still obeying the warmist, globalist line and thereby not risk being punted from future panels.
See, you can criticize the methods by which those hordes of shrieking, insane twats aimed to "raise awareness of climate change" and "help save the planet". But you must do it in a very mild, polite manner (unlike KAK). And you better not question their agenda itself. That is wrongthink. And it is verboten!
Clearly, almost everyone in the MSM has received this memo in one form or another and they obey it whenever the topic is discussed. This is extremely annoying. But it's also toxic to social cohesion and public mental health among other things.
Be great if the MSM stopped running the line that the narcissistic ferals have admirable goals. FFS, they are just useful idiots!
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Alexander Downer a spy? Conspiracy theory, or fact?
The claim that Alexander Downer dinkum engaged in "spying" sounds utterly absurd because the word evokes a dangerous world of high stakes intrigue -- James Bond, Cold War, Jason Bourne, etc. But if you remember he's just a dude tryna keep in the good books with powerful forces (like an office worker in a big company might) then what Papadopoulos accuses him of sounds much more plausible.
There's also heaps of other stuff that's been going on the last coupla years that you'd only know about if you went "off the beaten track" into the wilds of "alt-media". This stuff makes Downer as spook seem a lot less far-fetched, I can tell you!
As is the case with so many issues -- climate change, for example -- the MSM have their heads whopped right up their own clackers. In fact, they're so far up 'em, they're coming out their own mouths! Which is why they talk crap all the time. And they're definitely talking crap on this so-called "conspiracy theory".
Because Guardian "journalists" here are lazy, brainwashed muppets, they've just looked at this Papadopoulos stuff and thought: "Oh, we all know Lexie's a Tory, and he's for Brexit, etc, so there's no way he could possibly be part of a plot to take down right-wing nationalist Trump." So they come up with articles like this.
ABC robodolts like Matthew Bevan have been repeating this "Downer a spy? LOL!" angle ad nauseam also, often linking it to Trump. Pretty funny when you consider that this muppet (along with the entire MSM) has been a sucker for the biggest conspiracy theory of all (the one about Russian collusion) for years on end and now he's hinting at dark forces ("Trump's favourite TV host") behind this narrative. FFS, who's the wingnut here?
Being a mere activist he hasn't looked closely into why we've been sucked into the US discussion, just offers facile observations about it. A real journalist, OTOH, would actually do some research into the details of Papadopoulos' claims, and their context. But nup. Smug insinuation will do when you're a guest on that combination sneerfest and circle-jerk called The Drum.
In any case, the whole PapaD vs Lexie grudge match has been highly entertaining.
Notice how Lexie himself cites his Tory credentials, zif that's some kinda rhetorical slam dunk. But as Stefan Molyneux would say, that's not an argument!
Lexie also uses the "conspiracy theory" label. Another non-argument.
But what if it's not a theory, and people did conspire? And they used him to further their ends? He's not offering anything like a solid refutation, or even any evidence, to debunk this claim. He's just using a hackneyed term that's meant to smear his accuser as a paranoid idiot.
It's a very lazy, tried and true tactic, which is why Bevan has employed it here also.
"Nothing to see here folks, move along ..."
And what did Bevan's investigations entail? Why, an interview with Lexie himself!
Firstly, it's lazy to draw your conclusions merely from asking the accused about the accusation ... If, say, a teller says his boss has been ripping off the bank do you just go up to the manager and say "Mate, did you do it?" and take his answer -- an obvious "no" -- as the final word on the matter, or do you look forensically at the money trail?
Also "every question" you could think of is not gonna reveal much when you're a robodolt whose main software program is OrangeManBad.exe.
And so fricken what if the chowing Downer was so calm that he snacked as he yacked? How much of a child-brained credulous twit would you have to be to conclude that that somehow supports the line that the claims are bogus?
More thoughts on this whole issue here:
There's also heaps of other stuff that's been going on the last coupla years that you'd only know about if you went "off the beaten track" into the wilds of "alt-media". This stuff makes Downer as spook seem a lot less far-fetched, I can tell you!
As is the case with so many issues -- climate change, for example -- the MSM have their heads whopped right up their own clackers. In fact, they're so far up 'em, they're coming out their own mouths! Which is why they talk crap all the time. And they're definitely talking crap on this so-called "conspiracy theory".
Because Guardian "journalists" here are lazy, brainwashed muppets, they've just looked at this Papadopoulos stuff and thought: "Oh, we all know Lexie's a Tory, and he's for Brexit, etc, so there's no way he could possibly be part of a plot to take down right-wing nationalist Trump." So they come up with articles like this.
ABC robodolts like Matthew Bevan have been repeating this "Downer a spy? LOL!" angle ad nauseam also, often linking it to Trump. Pretty funny when you consider that this muppet (along with the entire MSM) has been a sucker for the biggest conspiracy theory of all (the one about Russian collusion) for years on end and now he's hinting at dark forces ("Trump's favourite TV host") behind this narrative. FFS, who's the wingnut here?
Being a mere activist he hasn't looked closely into why we've been sucked into the US discussion, just offers facile observations about it. A real journalist, OTOH, would actually do some research into the details of Papadopoulos' claims, and their context. But nup. Smug insinuation will do when you're a guest on that combination sneerfest and circle-jerk called The Drum.
In any case, the whole PapaD vs Lexie grudge match has been highly entertaining.
Notice how Lexie himself cites his Tory credentials, zif that's some kinda rhetorical slam dunk. But as Stefan Molyneux would say, that's not an argument!
Lexie also uses the "conspiracy theory" label. Another non-argument.
But what if it's not a theory, and people did conspire? And they used him to further their ends? He's not offering anything like a solid refutation, or even any evidence, to debunk this claim. He's just using a hackneyed term that's meant to smear his accuser as a paranoid idiot.
It's a very lazy, tried and true tactic, which is why Bevan has employed it here also.
"Nothing to see here folks, move along ..."
And what did Bevan's investigations entail? Why, an interview with Lexie himself!
Firstly, it's lazy to draw your conclusions merely from asking the accused about the accusation ... If, say, a teller says his boss has been ripping off the bank do you just go up to the manager and say "Mate, did you do it?" and take his answer -- an obvious "no" -- as the final word on the matter, or do you look forensically at the money trail?
Also "every question" you could think of is not gonna reveal much when you're a robodolt whose main software program is OrangeManBad.exe.
And so fricken what if the chowing Downer was so calm that he snacked as he yacked? How much of a child-brained credulous twit would you have to be to conclude that that somehow supports the line that the claims are bogus?
More thoughts on this whole issue here:
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