He, along with his peers have long been widely trusted as truth tellers reporting the facts without fear or favour. But now that everyone's got social media to fact check 'em, or do their own reporting (and faster) it's patently obvious that the MSM have been routinely cranking out biased BS on a grand scale for decades, and continue to do so.
They're massively butthurt that they “don't get no respect!” anymore. What a laugh! The muppets don't deserve any. We're all kicking ourselves that we believed them for so long … I'm glad they're upset that we're onto them. Their tears taste sweet! And we should continue to call out their fake news (and very fake news!) at every opportunity.►@andrewprobyn: Every politician that says “fake news” has to be called out for it. #Insiders #auspol pic.twitter.com/YJ0ZwIPChY— Insiders ABC (@InsidersABC) May 21, 2017
While their relentless pushing of false narratives is a scourge here in Australia, it's a fricken pandemic in the USA!
So clear that the American deep state is desperate to get rid of Trump because they know they can't control him. So they, along with the Democrats (who simply have not accepted that they were beaten fair and square by The Donald and now exist in a psychotic bubble of total denial) have built up this “Russian hacking” bollocks.
The MSM over there are not just a tad biased toward the Democrats. They're like Pravda was for the Kremlin! They are in “destroy Trump at all costs!” mode, and lose it when they meet any resistance.
Take Anderson Cooper:
Forgive me for extending his scatological reference, dear readers. But if Hillary Clinton took a dump on “Pooper” Cooper's own desk, I reckon he would gladly eat it!"If he took a dump on his desk you would defend it." 💩@andersoncooper what? 😲 pic.twitter.com/nD8ZfZKtVN— Salvador Hernandez (@SalHernandez) May 20, 2017
He and his fellow presstitutes have turned the stated goals of their profession upside down. They willingly repeat obvious fictions as if they were fact. And they spend most of their time desperately trying to discredit credible claims of corruption and criminality on the part of the Democrats.
There are many of these. But the most compelling of late are those related to the mysterious murder of Seth Rich. It's almost certain that he was the one who sent all those hugely damaging e-mails to Wikileaks -- which kills the Russian hacking angle as dead as poor Seth himself. Not only that, there's been all manner of stonewalling by the authorities in regards to the details of his demise, access to CCTV and bodycam footage and the like.
If that isn't suss as all get out I'm Clementine Ford.
Surely any journalist worth his salt would be doing all he could to find out what actually happened to this poor guy and why. FFS, on the face of it, it makes Watergate look like a parking infringement. But almost every big name reporter and pundit in America is pushing this angle that Putin and palskis “hacked the election”, while never citing any actual evidence.New #BenGarrison #Cartoon You GOTTA be Kidding! #LockherUp #HillaryClinton Anthony Weiner #SethRich more at https://t.co/MzwkiFN280 pic.twitter.com/JCIEs6THem— BenGarrison Cartoons (@GrrrGraphics) May 19, 2017
Speaking of which: check out this gargle by their ABC's Sara James. In it, she equates the big fat nothing burger of Trump's ties to Bad Vlad with Nixon's notorious, documented crimes. Poor chick has clearly been watching too many thrillers.
And she's not the only one regurgitating the corrupt American liberal media lies for a local audience. Their ABC “journalists” breathlessly repeat the Russia angle in doom-laden tones every day, while completely ignoring the Seth Rich stuff.
Sara, just keep cranking out the fake news, babe. We'll keep calling you and your fellow shills out in it. You're losing your undeserved authority by the day and it's a hoot!