Saturday, April 13, 2019

Signs of the globalist elites' agenda are everywhere

It's been amazing to watch the American mainstream media shamelessly, relentlessly push the "Russian collusion" hoax for two years in an effort to destroy POTUS. Now that they have been totally exposed by Robert Mueller's official conclusion that there was "nothin' to see here, folks" their credibility is in tatters.

When you realize how brazenly these scumbags lied about this, you wonder about all the other stuff they're "reporting" on. Surely many of the narratives that these yugely powerful corporations have been pushing for decades are dodgy as all get out, if not entirely false.

Having come to this realization, I'm becoming more and more convinced that conspiracy theories about the New World Order and specifically the Illuminati actually have a lot of truth to them. It feels weird to have come to that conclusion because even a year ago I would have said these ideas were total bollocks and anyone who believed them needed to take his tin-foil hat off!

But since I've become a newbie "truther" I've been seeing signs and symbols that seem to reflect this agenda all over the place.

Take the eye symbol. This is of course synonymous with the Illuminati.

You should, er, keep an eye out for it. You'll see it in heaps of public art -- also in advertising. Take this display for a recent show.  

On the other side is an ad for another one, Body Worlds, which also has a creepy NWO vibe to it. Remember that the control freaks at the top of the pyramid have the ultimate goal of enslaving humanity in a fascist globalist state.

To achieve that, they have to indoctrinate everyone with the belief that human beings are nothin' special -- that the soul doesn't really exist. This is why they hate Christianity with a passion and they're such zealous advocates of abortion, among other things.

Displaying actual flayed human corpses to the public -- kids included -- seems to be part of this process. Sure, they say it's about demystifying humanity. But it's also dehumanizing, surely.

Now I'm not saying that all those involved in these shows are secret society members, or even aware of this agenda. But it's interesting that such projects get funded, right? They must be massively expensive to produce. Only heavy hitters could get them up and running.

It's like with Hollywood productions. The A-list producers and agents decide which movie projects get the big money. It's well established that Tinseltown is chockas with Illuminati freaks. And no wonder. It's the "dream factory" -- the place where narratives are created, and for the entire world.

Similar process here, I reckon. 


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  3. I have just been reading one of your latest blogs and clicked a link which brought me to this earlier article. I was made aware of the very werid startling fact that a Cabal into the occult are dropping signs all over the place soon after their 9/11 false flag, and especially after the London Bombings of the 25th July 2005, a date which can be broken down to 777, and in Jewish gematria 'order out of chaos' = 777. ORDO AB CHAO which is its Latin is the motto of their Freemasonry 33rd degree ritual. So there is that and LOTS more these fiends do, BUT I also was preceding finding this out extremely interested in looking into mythology. because it is mythology, the stories we live by, are born into and are indoctrinated in with have such a deep affect on us, how we see and understand the world. So it is very important to be aware of this. Many of the sources that exposed the Illuminati symbolism were Christians. HOWEVER if you then dare question THEIR belief system they go all quiet! But we have to, along with Judaism, islam, Scientology, and ideologies, which are also myths, like Materialism etc. For example in Christianity it indcotrinates the belief you are born in sin, and nature is 'Fallen', and that life is a gamble, and your fate could either be heaven or everlasting damnation in Hell. Now to me that is trauma-based mindcontrol. it is meant to divide you from your body and your own nature and the natural world. And I suspect it very suits its supposed antagonist Luciferianism. But DOES it. BOTH look down on nature as-it-is. I have already explained why for Christianity, but for the Cabal they want to take over the natural biosphere with their technosphere. And we know how little they regard the body's vastly intelligent immune system, and the healing values of nutrition and exercise and our right and freedom to choose to ingest any drugs we want including cannabis and psychedelics. NO they want to rather inject EVERYone on planet Earth with their fukin evil vax fluid.
