The three stooges from Forest Rescue Australia who illegally boarded the Shonan Maru 2 have been released. This completely discredits these nasty insinuations, made when the morons were first captured:
"We assume they have been taken prisoner by the Japanese and historically this has not been a good situation to be in," a spokesman for Forest Rescue told The West Australian this morning.
I doubt very much he was referring specifically to that nation's prior treatment of anti-whaling activists. Kiwi lunatic Pete Bethune, for example, got off very lightly. It seems very likely that he was slyly alluding to Japan's record of wartime atrocities. Just goes to show that you can be racist if you are greenie and never be condemned for it by the compassionistas of the mainstream meeja. Imagine the reaction if a spokesman for, say, the IPA had said such a thing.
So once again the ferndies pull off another utterly ridiculous and completely pointless publicity stunt and get away with it entirely. And the long suffering Aussie taxpayer has to foot the bill.
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