He's obviously precocious and prolific. And he's doing very well for himself. But he certainly cops an inordinate amount of snark -- some of it from other media "professionals".
Now, if he were a young leftie he'd be all over the mainstream media with fellow progressive columnists and journos gushing about him non-stop. They'd laud him as wise beyond his years and a great hope for the future and all the rest of it.
But because he has the temerity to be a conservative, they -- along with their fans on social media -- consider him to be fair game. You see lots of witless, nasty abuse of him on Twitter that focuses almost entirely on his young age and ignores what he actually says.
I'll save you a click: here's Caleb Bond's column on housing pic.twitter.com/mqkDERi7WI— Tim (@timsterne) February 23, 2017
I actually laughed at that tweet. It's such an own goal! After all, it's lefties who insist on remaining child-like their entire lives. Replace "Caleb Bond" with "Jessica Irvine" and it'd be much closer to the mark ...
Some of the worst abuse of the young commentator comes from leftie women. Disturbingly, it often has a sexual tone to it.
for all of you reading caleb bond's articles and wondering if he ever gets laid... he doesn't pic.twitter.com/ZQvNQ3XXjI— Alex Bruce-Smith (@alexbrucesmith) February 16, 2017
Now, that's actually from a "news editor". (Although she does work at Pedestrian Daily, which is chockas with credulous lefties. So, "fake news editor" would be more apt.)
Now, imagine if there were a 17 year old female columnist employed at The Guardian. And a male editor at the Daily Telegraph mocked her on Twitter, making creepy allusions to her sex life. Not only would this provoke a tsunami of condemnation on social media, it would likely become a mainstream media story in its own right, with female media professionals (perhaps even Alex Bruce-Smith herself!) leading the charge to have him sacked. And they would succeed without a doubt.
Ugh. The Left! They are such a bunch of sexist, ageist bullies aren't they?
'Now, imagine if there were a 17 year old female columnist...' and somebody said anything critical, forget about her sexual activity - instant leftwit meltdown!