Then there's their obsession with AGW, and how it's the root cause of almost every ill known to man... and beast. It's just such a No Fun Zone. Take this recent story with a warmist angle:
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) February 8, 2016Not only is it absurd. But in typical Fairfax style the cover only half-heartedly attempts to exploit the verbal potential the story offers.
I mean, FFS. If you're gonna run such surreal BS, then at least seriously try to score a few wuckas with it. And let's face it, this is a pussy pun goldmine! Sure, they're groaners. But so what?
Here are some title suggestions, best read with this sound effect played at the end of each:
Climate cat-astrophe! Humans dread global warming but tabbies think it's purr-fect
Weather that's muggy makes moggies huggy
Feline strange? It's climate change
Cougartown. It's in your backyard
Planetary heatin' leads to Cheetoh cheatin'
Just think what the NT Daily News would do with this story, especially if there was a croc angle in it somewhere. (It'd be hard to find, sure, given that crocs are cold blooded -- something that could never be said of their staff, or readership!)
Posted by NT News Headlines are Legendary on Thursday, August 9, 2012
If you have any other title suggestions feel free to leave them in comments below.
Great stuff, Matt. I tried to put a link on Tim Blair's blog but was told I couldn't.
ReplyDeleteThanks... Maybe they've got a strict policy on links now, or it's due to the choices of particular moderators, or something. But thanks for trying that anyway.
DeleteSome of my own work. I'd like to think it scores a few wuckas.
ReplyDeleteYo, Fairfax. This is how it's done!
They were coming from every direction.