Sunday, April 24, 2016

Gillian Triggs plays martyr role to perfection. Luvvies lap it up!

As we all know, child-brained leftists are all about the feels. They're not interested in facts, reason, or merit. That's why most leftie organizations and movements are led by hugely overrated mediocrities if not outright frauds. A sane, sensible person just looks at any one of these numpties and goes: "You? You gotta be kidding me ... How the hell did you get to that position of influence?"

Well, the answer is usually pretty simple. Leftie movers and shakers are extremely ambitious, often ruthlessly so, and have unshakeable confidence in their own very limited abilities. They are often very good actors, too. They really know how to look the part they're playing.

And when I say they are acting, I don't mean that their doing so is a conscious, calculating choice. If it were they wouldn't be so convincing. They sincerely believe what they are pretending to be ... They're kinda method actors in that sense. But they're still performing a role that has little to do with reality. And their credulous fans lap it up.

Gillian Triggs is surely the best example of this phenomenon locally. She's got that noble martyr look down pat! So when she appears at some hearing or other and haughtily answers her critics she's pressing all the right buttons in the minds -- or should I say hearts -- of her numerous supporters.

The jaw-dropping extent to which she's got these poor little poppets completely and utterly fooled is evidenced by their awed reaction to her recent interview in The Saturday Paper.
Her fanbois see what they wanna see:
But more well informed, sceptical and incisive types see the same interview very differently.

1 comment:

  1. .... Gillian Triggs is surely the best example of this phenomenon locally. She's got that noble martyr look down pat! So when she appears at some hearing or other and haughtily answers her critics she's pressing all the right buttons in the minds -- or should I say hearts -- of her numerous supporters.

    The jaw-dropping extent to which she's got these poor little poppets completely and utterly fooled is evidenced by their awed reaction to her recent interview ....

    FascisSocialist Psychosis-suffering Leftards, like Triggs, never seem to notice that all any one of them is any good at involves not actually doing, innovating, creating, formulating, producing, manufacturing - the list goes on - anything atall.

    So they're the teachers and lawyers and actors and accountants -- and so on.

    And nor does the likes of Triggs ever "get it" that this generalization especially applies to "academics," whose "career choice" lends its very name to application to the utterly unimportant and valueless -- because it's "only academic."

    When such malignant pseudo-intellectual narcissists as she do gain positions of influence, (the traitor, Whitlam, comes to mind) every one may be counted upon to delude himself his is the moral high ground, the while criminally-arrogantly rationalizing and justifying any means - including the unlawful, the illegal and the overtly criminal - to whatever end he is zealously pursuing.

    Which may be guaranteed to be evil, wrong and failed -- and to the detriment of everything that's Good, Right and/or Successful.

    Brian Richard Allen
