As we all know the MSM have constantly claimed that QAnon is some kind of batshit "conspiracy theory". That's clearly to stop people looking into it. That label is one of their fave thought blockers, along with "racist", "sexist" and "homophobic".
If you want to make up your own mind and investigate it yourself you'll see that it's a lot more than that. Yes, there are some theories that some of those poring over the drops postulate that are "out where the buses don't go". But it's dishonest to say that they represent the whole movement.
The phenomenon is vast and multifaceted. And I like to think of it as a yuge flowing river of information and ideas about how the world works that is constantly evolving as a result of new developments. So, it functions as a collection of alternative narratives to the mainstream media, and one that countless people discover daily.
Not surprisingly the globalist elite -- who control the MSM -- find it deeply threatening. Which is why they're always tryna discredit it in various ways. This has been going on in the USA at a high level of intensity for many months. From time to time there's an uptick in Q-bashing here in Australia as well.
Now is one of those times. Several local political blue checks have been piling on with the claim that it's some kinda serious threat.
Interesting that he acknowledges that Trump "cultivated QAnon conspiracy theorists". Perhaps that was not because he was cynically using them for votes and cash, but because they were on the right track with their narrative about him taking down an evil globalist Cabal and Deep State; one the MSM has been so desperate to quash?
It was that power structure that globalist Rudd rose to a high level within, remember. So it's no wonder that Kevin has been frantically pushing his anti-Murdoch line. It's because he's packin' death that one of Rupert's publications will "go rogue" and do some actual journalism that might damage his legacy.
The New York Post did that recently when they reported that his think tank had accepted money from Epstein. I suspect that there's a lot of other stuff like that -- maybe to do with the Clinton Foundation -- that he doesn't want looked into.
"Does the Murdoch protection racket apply to QAnon too?" Kevin asks.
He's clearly terrified that they're in league with each other somehow. At the very least he sees them as comparable threats. He's obviously deeply worried that they'll manage to get what he claims are batshit conspiracy theories out to the normies on a grand scale. That's significant.
Interesting that Lucy Turnbull specifically cites this movement as well. As we all know her other half has been supporting Kevin in his anti-Murdoch jihad. That in itself says heaps because these two dudes absolutely hate each other's guts.
I haven't seen all of Malcolm's recent interviews, so I'm not sure if he's mentioned the phenomenon specifically. But I wouldn't be surprised if he has.
In any case, he's on record saying that Twitter did the right thing in punting Trump. So, he's fully on board with the MSM globalist narrative -- which more and more people are realizing is almost always utter BS, and a tool of distraction at best.
Speaking of BS: The man himself agreed that Trump had the Twitter ban coming to him, and specifically mentioned Q in a recent interview.
Other blue check slebs from Down Under have the mysterious Mr Seventeen on their radar, as this RT shows.
And even one of evil Rupert's horrid right wing rags is falling into line with the approved narrative. Maybe Kevin shouldn't worry after all?
Clearly a range of political movers and shakers in this nation are deeply worried about this movement. I find this notable because AFAIK the enigmatic insider hasn't actually dropped any breadcrumbs lately. Maybe they've all received some kinda memo to be fretting about it so much and simultaneously?
More thoughts on this and related subjects below.
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