Sunday, December 2, 2012

A victim of sleaze and smear who's done nothing wrong

Just watched Julia Gillard on Meet the Press. Paul Bongiorno not only raised the issue of the AWU scandal, but even asked her some questions about her honesty. Amazing!

As usual she stonewalled, constantly repeating phrases about Abbott's negativity, how she'd done nothing wrong, and her current fave, the Coalition's "sleze and smear" tactics. (Hell, she must have repeated that last one about a dozen times.)

Rattling off these lines one after the other is all she ever does when asked about the issue. Her approach is utterly mind-numbing.

Actually, I think that is one of its aims ... It's as if she's attempting to just grind down any interest in her involvement in the scandal by sheer, bloody-minded persistence. She sees it as a battle of wills. She's decided to just dig her heels in and hang on until her critics throw their hands up in exasperation and walk away. That always worked in the past, she figures, so she'll just keep using it now.

But I think this tactic is past its use-by date. The AWU scandal has already gathered heaps of momentum in the media, with formerly obsequious journos now daring to probe her on it -- and there's still so much more to come out. The Opposition know that the more she stonewalls on the issue the dodgier she looks to the electorate, who are finally getting interested in it in a big way.

Of course the constant mantra of "I did nothing wrong" and "Abbott's a negative misogynist using sleaze and smear against me" will continue to work on the Labor-loving moron demographic. But they're the only ones buying it now, I reckon. 


  1. Matt I hope you are right. Mind you what is that saying, repeat a lie long enough and people will believe it is the truth.

    1. Yes, that's what scares me. Her cynical tactic has brainwashed quite a few people. However I think the AWU scandal and her reaction to it has resulted in a greater number of people waking up to how deceitful she really is. So it's a net loss for her.

  2. Mind you if I hear her say "smear" one more time I shall be heading to Canberra with a bucket of manure to show her what smearing is.

  3. Matt - This may interest you and your readers as well - Keep up the pressure mate.

  4. There is no honour in this government. There is no honour in this Prime Minister. The sheer hubris and disregard for the people of this country exhibited by the government and this sorry imitation of a Prime Minister is staggering. The sooner we are shot of them the better and we can start the hard road back to a sound economy and pride in our country. Gillard makes even Whitlam appear statesman like and Rudd a positively competent person - and we all know they were not either of those things.

    1. Yes she is just dreadful in so many ways. Every decision she makes is marked by cynicism, deceit, or incompetence -- or all three. However she's very good at one thing: hanging on to power!

  5. Communications guru, John McTernan is working out well for her! Gillard is sounding more and more like a fishwife as each day passes.

    Good work, McTernan. We'll see how your strategies play out when we get to have our say via the Polling Booth!

  6. As a PM, I applaud her constant " tripping up herself " footwear stylings over her fair leadership skills.
